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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-18

Active Distribution networks with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RESourceS


ADDRESS will research, develop and deploy technologies and processes to increase usage of Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Resources thereby engaging in a new relationship between customers, generators and network operators. ADDRESS aims to develop new innovative architectures for Active Distribution Networks (ADN) able to balance in real time power generation and demand allowing network operators, consumers, retailers and stakeholders to benefit from the increased flexibility of the entire system. Innovative use of communications, automation and household technologies will be combined with new trading mechanisms and algorithms providing ADN with low cost and reliable solutions. Customers will be encouraged into active participation enabling them to change their consumption habits, adopting a smarter use of energy and saving money. A cost/benefit analysis of different solutions will be developed: the most promising will be tested in three sites with different geographic, demographic and generation characteristics. The consortium has a distinguished membership of Large, Medium and Small Enterprises with international experience. East and West European Utilities, Global Manufacturers (both power and appliances), Universities, Consultants, Communications Suppliers and R&D Specialists have been selected for their specific knowledge and experience providing a well balanced mix of technology, innovation and market orientation. Competencies cover the whole spectrum of the electricity supply chain making this consortium extremely well suited to acheive the project goals and to deliver flexible, reliable, environmentally friendly and economic solutions. FP7 has provided the opportunity for this collaboration to take place completely meeting the Work Programme aims and enabling European Utilities and stakeholders to be on the cutting edge in worldwide network management.

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€ 1 328 353,31
00198 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Kontakt Verwaltung
Paola Petroni (Dr.)
Keine Daten

Beteiligte (26)