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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Improvement of the S&T research capacity of TUBITAK-MRC IE in the fields of hydrogen technologies

Final Report Summary - HY-PROSTORE (Improvement of the S&T research capacity of TUBITAK-MRC IE in the fields of hydrogen technologies)

The strategic objective of the 'Improvement of the S&T research capacity of TUBITAK-MRC IE in the fields of hydrogen technologies' (HY-Prostore) project was to improve the research capacity of the centre on hydrogen technologies (herein referred to as the 'centre') at TUBITAK MRC Institute of Energy (IE). Specifically, the centre aspired to improve its research capacity in the areas of hydrogen production, purification, and storage. The project was relevant to European Commission's Priority Thematic Area 6-1, Sustainable Energy Systems. According to the work programme for this thematic area, the scope of the proposed project can be seen as relevant to two sections in particular – Section (Alternative motor fuels) and Section (New technologies for energy carriers/transport and storage, in particular hydrogen).

There was only one contractor, TUBITAK, in this specific project. The approach for accomplishing the project objective was multi-faceted. The approach included:

- upgrading and renewal of related laboratory equipment;
- participation in international conferences;
- coordination of national and international brokerage events to enhance the participation in the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) / Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project proposals within Turkey and EU;
- advisory board meetings between the centre and Member States (MSs) and Associated Candidate Countries (ACCs) organisations to identify joint research activities;
- training courses for appropriate centre personnel on select hydrogen technology topics; and
- technical visits to and short-stays at hydrogen laboratories abroad.

In effort to accomplish the strategic objective, the centre established the following specific objectives:

- upgrading and renewal of S&T equipment in hydrogen laboratories, including hydrogen production, purification and storage equipment, to improve the existing laboratory infrastructure;
- participation in international conferences and workshops, in order to network with researchers studying hydrogen technologies in other countries and to provide and obtain relevant scientific information;
- preparation of brokerage events for the relevant organizations and individuals from Turkey and European countries (including those from industry, academia, and government), which will allow to enhance the participation in FP6 / FP7 project proposals on hydrogen technologies;
- coordination of advisory board (AB) meetings between the centre and the relevant organisations in Europe to identify joint hydrogen research topics and activities of priority concern, which will maximise potential research benefits due to cooperative research and, likewise, will support efficient use of material and human resources;
- training courses for appropriate centre staff on hydrogen fundamentals, production, purification and storage, in order to expand the knowledge and capabilities of the centre's hydrogen research scientists;
- technical visits to hydrogen laboratories at universities and other organisations in MSs and ACCs, in order to collect information about selected operating laboratory systems, share relevant information, participate in and observe experiments for information-sharing purposes, and develop ideas for future joint research projects and activities; and
- short stays at hydrogen laboratories in MSs and / or ACCs for young researchers from the centre, organised to provide hands-on experience with the laboratory practices and new technologies of the visited organisation and to promote joint / cooperative activities between laboratories.

Specific impacts of the project have been realised during the project. These are as follows:

- Existing laboratory infrastructure at the centre has been improved, physically allowing the centre to expand its depth and scope of research in the future. Through specially developed courses, hydrogen researchers have also received training to further expand the knowledge base and capabilities of the centre.

- Several activities – such as international conferences, brokerage events, and technical meetings / visits –assisted in developing strategic networks and partnerships with both private and public institutions in Turkey and in Europe. Further, international conferences have been ensured the centre's researchers are up to date on recent developments in related hydrogen topics, while also offering opportunities to share new study data from the centre. In fact, the project served as the main driving force for the dissemination of knowledge between European countries and Turkey for the near future.

International / national brokerage events promoted to enhance the participation in the FP6/FP7 project proposals on hydrogen technologies. AB meetings with organisations in the EU, along with technical visits to and short stays at laboratories abroad, supported the development of future joint / cooperative research activities and projects through the EC Framework Programmes. Technical visits to laboratories abroad also promoted information sharing on a detailed level, regarding laboratory equipment and experimental procedures. Finally, short stays provided extensive hands-on experience with new laboratory practices and technologies at the visited organization, increasing the knowledge and potential of the centre's hydrogen researchers.