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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Central European Network for Logistics Competence


The aim of the CENTRAL LOCO project is to promote dissemination and exploitation of the results of RTD projects of the 5th and 6th Framework Programmes among the enterprises and research units operating in the Central-European logistics and transport sector.

With this general goal in mind, through its 24 months duration, CENTRAL LOCO will provide one conference and 3 practical workshops in four different countries of the region. The events will be addressing the aspects of the logistics and intermodal transport problems that are most relevant to the Partnersâ?? countries.

Web pages concerning the issues touched during the conference and 3 workshops in four Central-European Countries will be created supporting the implementation of integrated different transport modes. The web pages will provide access to all relevant materials both in English and in national languages.

Regular newsletters in English and in national languages will be issued and emailed to all interested companies, business support organizations, researchers and public institutions operating in the logistics sector. After each year of CENTRAL LOCO duration, collected newsletters will also be issued and emailed.

The attention will be devoted to collaboration with the winning Projects of the FP6-Transport calls, whose progress will be communicated to the research communities and logistics and transport industries of Central-European countries in their national languages.

The CENTRAL LOCO network will harmonise activities in the CEECs area and help companies from those countries to implement the recommendations and to support the aims outlined in WHITE PAPER "European transport policy for 2010 : time to decide " concerning re-balancing and integrating different transport modes.

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SSA - Specific Support Action


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Partecipanti (3)