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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-29

European Mechatronics for a new generation of production systems


The goal of EUMECHA-PRO is to increase the ability of the European mechatronics research community to conceive - according to a common strategy and in strong cooperation with industry - the production systems for the factories of the future. EUMECHA-PRO w ill develop industry roadmaps and research roadmaps. The industry roadmaps will provide a structured view on future industrial expectations and will be established for different production equipment sectors. Research roadmaps will reflect the visions and capabilities of the European mechatronics research community. The research and industry roadmaps will be integrated into a common vision. The emerging technologies and integrated design approaches in the research roadmaps will be associated to industry' s requirements and will reveal new industrial opportunities. On the other hand, the industrial expectations will orient research towards market needs. The research roadmaps will furthermore provide a common framework for an efficient co-ordination of Euro pe's research resources. EUMECHA-PRO will promote the practice of the mechatronics design paradigm in industry. Best practices of mechatronic design will be identified and promoted through industry-oriented workshops. EUMECHA-PRO will strive towards a better educational framework that delivers excellent mechatronic engineers to the manufacturing industries. Mechatronics education requirements and approaches will be analysed, resulting in a European vision on how education can be improved and be made mor e coherent across Europe. Dissemination and exchange of information will take place through internet, publications as well as through small committee network meetings. Furthermore, EUMECHA-PRO will improve the coordination of various R&D funding mec hanisms, in particular by feeding its deliverables into the "EUREKA Factory" platform and the European Commission's MANUFUTURE initiative.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

CA - Coordination action


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Diamant Building, A. Reyerslaan 80

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (20)