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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

ASAS Thematic Network 2


The ASAS Thematic Network II is a Co-ordination Action organised within European Commission 6th Framework Programme on Aeronautics and Space. The project is an Open Upstream Research activity for new generation ATM supported by Advanced Airborne System A pplications. The main objective of the ASAS Thematic Network II is to accelerate the application of ASAS/ADS-B operations in the European Airspace taking into account global applicability in order to increase airspace capacity and safety. The ASAS-TN2 b uilds on the experience of the ASAS Thematic Network project (ASAS-TN). The ASAS-TN is a two-year project (11/2002 - 11/2004) that is primarily a communication activity sponsored by the EC DG Research. The ASAS-TN delivered 3 successful workshops (Rome, 04/2003, Malmö, 10/2003 and Toulouse, 04/2004). The project will conclude with a seminar in Brighton in October 2004. The ASAS-TN Library is also a key feature of the Thematic Network. The ASAS-TN has been very successful and has attracted more members than initially expected. ASAS-TN2 is a continuation of this fruitful exchange among the R&D community, the ATM stakeholders and the industry. The ASAS-TN2 is innovative in several areas: - It concentrates information related to ASAS/ADS-B applicatio ns; - It is getting air-oriented or ground-oriented people working more closely; - It involves all key players; - It creates forums for communication, discussion, harmonisation and dissemination on ASAS/ADS-B issues; and - It creates a review group to develop guidance and recommendations. The main ASAS-TN2 outputs concern the sharing of current knowledge on ASAS/ADS-B between all stakeholders and in recommendations for future activities required to reach the operational use of ASAS/ADS-B applications. It is expected that these results will be of use to guide European actions and will allow European industry to optimally plan and focus their new products development strategy.

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