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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

EBRAINS 2.0: A Research Infrastructure to Advance Neuroscience and Brain Health


Europäisches Zentrum für neurowissenschaftliche Forschung

Die Erforschung und das Verständnis der Komplexität des Gehirns – von den komplizierten molekularen Prozessen bis hin zur Gesamtfunktion des Organs – stellt eine große Herausforderung dar, die kooperative Forschungsanstrengungen erfordert. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EBRAINS 2.0 zielt darauf ab, verschiedene Fachkenntnisse und Ressourcen zu bündeln, die für Durchbrüche in den Neurowissenschaften erforderlich sind, und so die Feinheiten des Gehirns zu entschlüsseln. Zu den Zielen des Projekts gehören die Schaffung neuer Standards für Gehirnatlanten, die Verknüpfung von Daten auf mehreren Ebenen in gesunden und kranken Gehirnen und die Entwicklung digitaler Zwillinge durch Modellierung und Simulation. EBRAINS 2.0 wird ein zentraler Knotenpunkt in der europäischen neurowissenschaftlichen Landschaft sein, der die Infrastruktur, die Dienstleistungen und die Technologie bietet, die für Spitzenleistungen auf diesem Gebiet erforderlich sind.


EBRAINS is a collaborative European Research Infrastructure designed to advance and accelerate progress in neuroscience and brain health. This innovative infrastructure, a legacy of the Human Brain Project (HBP), is an ecosystem where researchers, clinicians and experts from various disciplines converge to explore and analyze brain complexity – from molecular and cellular levels to the functioning of the entire organ. Therefore, the project aims to create a new standard for brain atlases from the micro- to the macro-scale, link foundational multi-level data and connectomes in the healthy and pathological brain with atlases and models, create digital twins through modelling and simulation as well as unique, excellent, and preferred services for FAIR neuroscience data. The overarching goal of EBRAINS 2.0 is to foster a deeper understanding of brain structure and function with dedicated and mature software tools, to facilitate the development of more effective treatments, new drugs, diagnostics and preventive measures for neuro-psychiatric disorders. We expect that EBRAINS 2.0 catalyzes progress in the field of large-scale models running on HPC towards Exascale and leads to innovative solutions for neuro-inspired computing, and cognitive technologies such as neurorobotics and AI. Sophisticated digital modeling and data analytics capabilities will benefit communities beyond neuroscience, such as biomedicine. We will advance EBRAINS technology, platform services and the base infrastructure roadmap, educate and train a new community of users and developers from academia, industry and SMEs, and ensure knowledge transfer. EBRAINS 2.0 will become the neuroscience hub in the European infrastructure landscape, through building strong links with the European data spaces, EOSC and EuroHPC JU, centers of excellences and other initiatives. Globally, EBRAINS 2.0 will make a strong contribution to the new era of digital neuroscience and foster European leadership in this field.



€ 5 323 086,25
1170 Bruxelles / Brussel

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€ 5 323 086,25

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