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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Circularity and Remanufacturing-Enabling DIgital Twins

Descripción del proyecto

Tecnologías de gemelos digitales para superar los retos de la refabricación

La refabricación es una solución ecológica prometedora que fomenta el reciclaje y utiliza la circularidad. Por desgracia, aún se enfrenta a múltiples retos que deben superarse para su adopción generalizada. El equipo del proyecto CREDIT, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende resolver estos problemas con un planteamiento innovador. Este planteamiento se centrará en la digitalización de activos, el uso de gemelos digitales multicapa, el desarrollo de plataformas de tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones distribuidas de código abierto, el uso de sistemas de apoyo impulsados por inteligencia artificial para mejorar el seguimiento, el mantenimiento predictivo, el control de calidad y otras herramientas. También se proporcionará a los trabajadores las cualificaciones necesarias. Los resultados permitirán mejorar la circularidad y el reciclaje gracias a los sistemas digitales avanzados y a una logística que gestionará los datos y los procesos de fabricación.


The CREDIT project will address current challenges in circular remanufacturing by adopting a human-centred innovation approach, focusing on the digitalisation of assets (A), creating multi-layered Digital Twins (B), and developing an open-source-based distributed ICT platform (C), allowing seamless data management and complex DT implementation. Additionally, a range of remanufacturing-enabling digital services (D), including AI-based decision support systems, DLT-based traceability and quality control, predictive maintenance, and general support tools for remanufacturing operations, such as Augmented Reality, will be integrated. Alongside these technologies and tools, a comprehensive upskilling and education methodology (E) will be developed to ensure the appropriate level of maturity at the factory site. Five diverse business cases in the white goods, telecommunications, aerospace, and automotive sectors have been designed based on their relevance and potential for broad impact. These use cases will be co-created with stakeholders in line with the social innovation methodology to ensure that the specific objectives and technologies are aligned with end users' needs. By providing an operational environment, these use cases will serve as the foundation for achieving the final TRL7 and demonstrating the platform's adaptability and potential for deployment in various industrial sectors. This will be consolidated through a scaled replicability study.
The project's far-reaching impact will touch a wide set of target groups, leading to a more sustainable, efficient, and socially responsible future for the manufacturing industry. CREDIT will generate economic benefits such as increased efficiency, reduced production costs, and enhanced competitiveness while addressing environmental concerns by reducing waste, lowering carbon emissions, and minimizing raw material consumption, in line with the EU’s green manufacturing and sustainability targets.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 328 000,00
41300 La Rinconada

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Sur Andalucía Sevilla
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 328 000,00

Participantes (10)