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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Raise excellence in R&S&I in HEI for widening countries

Description du projet

Combler les lacunes en matière de R&I dans l’UE

Dans l’UE, l’incidence des projets transnationaux varie d’un pays à l’autre en raison à la fois de lacunes qui impactent des infrastructures moins avancées, d’une rétention limitée des talents et d’obstacles structurels régionaux ou nationaux. La Pologne et le Portugal sont confrontés à des défis particuliers qui réduisent leur participation à des projets à fort impact et les avantages qu’ils tirent du paysage de la R&I de l’Union. Le projet Unite.WIDENING financé par l’UE, s’attaquera à ces lacunes en se concentrant sur les contextes polonais et portugais. Dans le cadre de l’alliance universitaire européenne Unite!, il entend contribuer aux politiques qui renforcent les capacités de R&I, en parfaite adéquation avec les ambitions stratégiques de l’EER/Widening. En renforçant la collaboration au sein de l’UE, Unite.WIDENING vise à accélérer les réformes et le développement des compétences. Ses résultats comprendront des recommandations politiques, des plans d’équité entre les sexes et des feuilles de route pour la recherche et l’innovation.


The ability to conduct successful transnational R&I projects in the EU varies between countries due to recognised gaps, including lack of scientific infrastructure, ability to maintain and retain talents or to overcome regional or national structural barriers. Concerted and directed efforts are required to support lesser-performing countries, like Portugal and Poland, to bridge these gaps and strengthen R&I across Europe.All academic contributors to the Unite!WIDENING project is also a partner in the European University Alliance Unite! “University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering”, a transnational alliance born in 2019 and contributing to the European Universities Initiative.The goal of Unite!WIDENING is to strengthen Unite! as an alliance, enhancing the scientific, technological and innovation capacity of the consortium of HEIs, raising its excellence as a group and individually, extending and expanding its activities, and implementing ERA/Widening policies. With the support of relevant partners in the local innovation ecosystems, it aims to accelerate the necessary reforms and conduct the required competence buildup to raise excellence in R&I and improve the valorisation of science and research in Widening countries. The results of Unite!WIDENING include new policy recommendations for R&I in Widening countries, identification of gaps and future actions; the development of a Handbook of HRS4R for Widening countries; gender, inclusion and equity plans in research careers; a university open science and strategic innovation roadmap; guidelines to the creation of local Science and Innovation Skills Academy, training programmes contents and guides, development of the research transparency dashboard and policies & strategies leading to reform and renewal of science & innovation institutional approaches. The outputs will be shared beyond the project life to guarantee their adoption/implementation by relevant stakeholders in Widening countries.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 573 116,02
1649 004 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (13)