Description du projet
Briser la barrière du PIB pour un développement durable
Dans la quête d’un développement durable, les limites inhérentes à l’utilisation du seul PIB comme mesure du progrès sont devenues évidentes. La réalisation des objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies et l’alignement sur les politiques de durabilité environnementale et sociale de l’UE exigent une approche plus globale. Toutefois, les données existantes sur les mesures alternatives sont fragmentées, ce qui empêche l’établissement d’un cadre unifié. L’absence de consensus sur les indicateurs et les cadres politiques constitue un obstacle majeur à la définition et au suivi d’objectifs efficaces. Dans ce contexte, le projet MERGE, financé par l’UE, vise à favoriser le dialogue. En tant qu’initiative collaborative, MERGE rassemble des chercheurs de premier plan et des communautés clés, afin de faciliter le dialogue et l’échange de connaissances.
Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Union's policies on environmental and social sustainability requires a comprehensive measure of human progress that does not focus solely on GDP. However, the evidence on alternative approaches is fragmented and the lack of consensus on competing indicators and policy frameworks is a mAchieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Union's policies on environmental and social sustainability requires a comprehensive measure of human progress that does not focus solely on GDP. However, the evidence on alternative approaches is fragmented and the lack of consensus on competing indicators and policy frameworks is a major obstacle to setting policy goals that promote multi-dimensional well-being and to monitoring and measuring progress. MERGE addresses these challenges by providing a forum for dialogue, co-creation and knowledge exchange, and by linking cutting-edge research and policy practice. A consortium of leading researchers and key communities in the field, MERGE brings together three recently launched higher education research consortia (SPES, ToBe, WISE Horizons) and an ERC grant (REAL). To scale up results, MERGE provides a framework for creating and strengthening a multidisciplinary community of researchers, a technical and knowledge network, a policy network and a network of civil society actors. Through these networks, MERGE aims to build a broad consensus on easy-to-use and acceptable indicators and frameworks for measuring multidimensional well-being within planetary boundaries in the EU and Member States, as well as in global organisations and civil society. MERGE participants will benefit from collaborative and training events, analyses, indicators, datasets and policy briefings. Through knowledge exchange, stakeholders and researchers can adopt and develop a systematic and coherent understanding of the sustainable economy paradigm in their own work.
Régime de financement
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
33100 Tampere