CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.
Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
OSED describing desk research findings and selected use cases, formulating initial concept of operations
Initial OSED – Geometric AltimetryOperational Concept for use of geometric altimetry for vertical guidance - initial version
Initial OSED – Separation MinimaInitial Operational Concept for reduced separation minima enabled by geometric altimetry
Initial Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation PlanDescribes planned communication, dissemination and exploitation activities to be performed during the course of the project
Ethics PlanDescribes the approach to safeguard the rights of humans participating in the project workshops and the measures undertaken for personal data protection
Describes the activities the consortium will undertake to ensure the data retrieval, quality assessment, lifecycle, usage and protection procedures, complying with the data owners’ specifications
Updated Data Management PlanFormal update of D2.1 to status at end of first reporting period, as input to Intermediate Review
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