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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

EU Public Infrastructure for the European DIgital Twin Ocean

Resultado final

D2.3 User and resources management strategy (V1)

D2.3 User and resources management strategy

D8.5 Communications & Outreach Plan (M4), infographics & video (V1)

D8.5Communications & Outreach Plan, infographics & video

D8.1 Communications & Outreach Plan

D8.1 Communications & Outreach Plan (M4), infographics (M12) & video (M24)

D5.1 EDITO-Infra Engine – User Guide and API
D2.1 EDITO-Infra in the EU digital landscape and marine projects ecosystem

This document contains the description of EDITO-Infra integration in the marine ecosystem.

D2.2 EDITO-Infra architecture – blueprint, domain, stack and deployment (V1)

D2.2 Technical Design (blueprint, API, deployment)

D3.1 EDITO-Infra Data Lake – User Guide and API

D3.1 Data Lake – User Guide and API

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