Descrizione del progetto
La corsa alle soluzioni di stoccaggio dell’energia rinnovabile
Lo stoccaggio dell’energia è fortemente richiesto al giorno d’oggi. La decarbonizzazione dell’industria mediante elettrificazione, la crescita delle fonti rinnovabili e la necessità di garantire la stabilità della rete sono incentivi di primaria importanza in vista dello sviluppo delle tecnologie di stoccaggio. In quest’ottica, il progetto AGISTIN, finanziato dall’UE, concepirà un’interfaccia di rete avanzata per soluzioni di stoccaggio dell’energia che riducono al minimo l’impatto esercitato dalle nuove domande di elevata entità sulla rete e riducono i costi cui devono far fronte i grandi utenti della rete mediante l’integrazione di soluzioni di stoccaggio innovative. Il progetto svolgerà due dimostrazioni e tre attività di prova nei seguenti ambiti: elettrolisi dell’idrogeno rinnovabile, pompaggio per l’irrigazione e ricarica veloce dei veicoli elettrici. Le innovative tecnologie di stoccaggio comprenderanno recuperatori elettrochimici ad acqua, sistemi di irrigazione e batterie agli ioni di alluminio.
AGISTIN will enable industrial grid users to rapidly deploy renewables through advanced integration of innovative energy storage technologies at the interface with the grid. Rapid decarbonisation of industry through electrification, the growth of renewables, and the need for grid stability present a unique opportunity for new forms storage of storage and integration schemes to emerge. The main objectives in the project are to develop new forms of energy storage that meet grid needs for short-duration flexibility and stability, reduce the impact of new, large demand on the grid, and reduce costs for large grid users through innovative storage integration. This project will exceed the state of the art for aqueous batteries, use of irrigation systems as energy storage, grid interface designs and provision of advanced grid services from large load users.
Two demonstrations and three test activities centered around renewable hydrogen electrolysis, irrigation pumping, and fast EV charging are used to demonstrate advanced concepts for energy storage, grid integration and grid users. AGISTIN results in reduced grid connection for industrial grid users, reducing H2 production cost by 10% and improved grid stability through advanced grid services, that enable grids to run with 100% renewables. The innovative storage technologies directly addressed in the project include aqueous electrochemical recuperators, with properties between super capacitors and batteries, use of irrigation systems as energy storage and aluminum ion batteries. These technologies will be developed to test and demonstrate in the target use cases, resulting in TRL level increases for each. The consortium consists of members from 9 countries and across the value chain best able to exploit project results, including; storage and power electronics providers, industrial grid users, a grid operator, a engineering consultancy, research institutes, universities and an energy storage association.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
D01 C4E0 Dublin