Descrizione del progetto
Nuovi strumenti per una revisione dell’innovazione sociale
In un mondo che deve far fronte a sfide sociali pressanti, l’Europa si trova a un bivio. Questioni come la disuguaglianza, la sostenibilità ambientale e il benessere sociale richiedono soluzioni innovative. In questo contesto, il progetto CRAFT, finanziato dall’UE, mira a rafforzare l’ecosistema regionale per l’imprenditoria sociale. Prestando particolare attenzione alla condivisione delle conoscenze e alla mobilitazione delle risorse, promette di sfruttare il potere della collaborazione, dell’innovazione e della connettività digitale. In particolare, il progetto istituirà un’accademia europea peer-to-peer per il sostegno all’imprenditoria sociale e d’impatto. L’accademia fornirà alle organizzazioni di sostegno all’imprenditoria sociale gli strumenti e le competenze necessarie per amplificare il loro impatto. Un ecosistema digitale fungerà da polo di migliori prassi, conoscenze e strumenti.
Through events, summits, gathering of existing tools for best practice and a digital ecosystem for social entrepreneurs, we will strengthen the ecosystem for social innovation in Europe.
We will create a European peer-to-peer academy for social & impact entrepreneurship support. Co-owned by European support organizations, we will endeavor to increase the capacities of social entrepreneurship support organizations in Europe. The academy aims to sustainably boost the impact of the European ecosystem for social & impact-driven entrepreneurship.
We will gather and promote tools and facilitate locally based events, and facilitate summits where knowledge, methods, best practices, and tools are disseminated. In addition, we will build on existing digital platforms to create a social innovation ecosystem where best practices, knowledge and tools will be granted free of charge for social entrepreneurs.
Key output from the project:
- Registration of best practice out before and after intervention. The registration forms from the first registration will be used to select relevant tools to be included in the digital ecosystem.
- Two social innovation policy summits and a final conference for actors in the social innovation ecosystem.
- Collection of tools from actors working with social innovation. The tools may come from relevant accelerators, investors, incubators and public entities such as universities and government.
All activities and tools will be free accessible at the digital ecosystem. The digital ecosystem will be built on existing software systems.
The digital ecosystem will be a strong European network with various actors within different branches and knowledge from professionals within the field.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinatore
1070 Wien
L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.