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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Coordinated Opportunities for Advanced Leadership and Engagement in Science Communication in Europe


Data Management Plan

Data Management PlanTo be updated at M30 / M48Data Management Plan prepared as a living document

Policy briefs on excellent scicomm for urgent societal challenges

To be updated at M30 and M48Policy briefs on excellent science communication for urgent societal challenges and needs where effective scicomm is key, such as Climate Emergency, Health and vaccines, Oceans and Water, Artificial Intelligence & Digital transformation

Communication and dissemination guide for the N&R hubs and networks

Guidelines, with indications, tips, tools and examples of replicable formats for science communication activities and events

Policy brief on excellent scicomm for society at large through informal activities

To be updated at M30 and M48. Policy brief on excellent science communication for society at large through informal activities explored as case clinics with science museums, festivals, open days and artistic network

Ethics Management

Ethics Management, including procedures & criteria to identify research participants, Protection of Personal Data and Humans-POPD


Envisioning the future European competence centre for science communication

Auteurs: Magalhães, Joana
Publié dans: EU-LIFE 10th anniversary conference 'Envisioning the research centres of the future' , Lisbon (Portugal), 6-7 June 2023, 2023
Éditeur: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8289947

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