CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.
Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Review of Policy StrategiesAn overview of policy strategies that are relevant to wellbeing, inclusion and sustainability. The overview goes beyond a European vision by paying special attention to Africa, the US, China and other countries.
Popular Summary Theoretical FrameworkPopular SummaryTranslate the complex scientific report in a popular version, describing the urgency behind a new paradigm and an outline of the theoretical framework.
Report on Theoretical FrameworkReport on Theoretical FrameworkA first rationale for develpoing a new framework. The Theoretical Framework will be updated and published in M48.
Review of MetricsReview of MetricsThis overview will look at indexes, dashboards of indicators and accounting frameworks. It will link the measurement systems to the concepts of Wellbeing, Inclusion, Sustainability and the Economy.
Policy BriefA policy brief of the fist findings. This policy brief will be expanded during the project, with its final delivery in M48.Outcomes of clustered meetings of the projects funded under this Call will be annex to the policy brief.
Review of ModelsReview of ModelsA review of the modelling landscape from the viewpoint of how relevant they are to modelling wellbeing, inlcusion and sustainability.
Co-created Input for Thematic Models for 2050Co-created Input for Thematic Models for 2050Based on co-creation events, a briefing will be prepared on visions for 2050 based on existing available data and polls and results from the Conference on the Future of Europe. Also part of this deliverable is a briefing on existing impacts on negatively affected groups.
Needs AssessmentAssessment informing modellers and other work packages about relevant needs for outputs and most valuable presentation of project results.
We will use the Leiden University template to draft the DMP, that will describe: what kind of data we will be collecting, where we will store the data, with whom and how we will share our data, how others will be able to understand the data, and how we will preserve our data for the long term. The DMP will be updated on a regular basis (M18, M36) with the full final version in M48.
Annageke Jansen and Rutger Hoekstra
Veröffentlicht in:
GROWING THE ALTERNATIVES: Societies for a future beyond GDP, 2023
Greenpeace international
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