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CORDIS - EU research results

STE(A)M Learning Ecologies

Project description

Promoting science education through STE(A)M Learning Ecologies

Based on lessons learnt from previous open schooling projects, and in close synergy with the stakeholder community, the EU-funded SLEs project will develop, implement and evaluate the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies methodology, an innovative approach enabling the creation of open learning environments fostering science education opportunities for all. Experts from stakeholder communities in several countries will cooperate to implement STE(A)M learning ecologies across Europe. By emphasising inclusiveness and environmental sustainability, they will promote and facilitate the creation of partnerships among formal, non-formal and informal education institutions, as well as enterprises and the local community.


Based on findings and lessons learnt from the implementation of previous open schooling projects, the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) project will develop engaging open schooling-enabled science learning paths for all in learning continuums of formal and informal learning environments and enterprises by emphasising inclusiveness. First, the project will highlight the necessary conditions for bringing together all, rather than some, of the actors: formal, non-formal and informal education providers, as well as enterprises and the civil society – and giving all actors space and motivation to take initiative and central roles. Second, by building on the promising results of previous work, the project will propose a framework that generates opportunities for the creation of comprehensive partnerships in the form of interconnected knowledge ecosystems, in local communities able to foster improved science education for all citizens. And third, it will initiate a concerted effort to make the evidence about the benefits of open schooling a driving force in European and national policymaking. To achieve these, the proposed project is introducing the powerful concept of “learning ecologies” as a vehicle for envisaging and realising impactful local open schooling partnerships as science learning continuums for all. The project joins expert Consortium partners and Linked Affiliated Parties from 11 countries with individuals and organisations from all stakeholder communities to form diverse and wide-reaching STE(A)M learning ecologies together across Europe.


Net EU contribution
€ 421 625,00
1040 Bruxelles / Brussel

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Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Activity type
Total cost
€ 421 625,00

Participants (12)