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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research

Descripción del proyecto

Un centro europeo de excelencia en informática de alto rendimiento para la investigación en ciencias de la vida

BioExcel es el principal centro europeo de excelencia de investigación biomolecular computacional y un importante centro de innovación en informática científica. Las hojas de ruta para el desarrollo de «software» incorporan los comentarios de miles de usuarios de todo el mundo y garantizan que se prioricen las funciones más deseadas. Los exhaustivos programas de formación y el compromiso con la industria contribuyen a solventar el déficit de capacidades de los investigadores en ciencias de la vida, además de apoyar las iniciativas internacionales para afrontar retos mundiales como la preparación ante pandemias. Desde 2015, a través de BioExcel se ha creado una amplia red de socios formada por organizaciones conexas, proveedores de recursos, vendedores de «hardware», equipos de desarrolladores de «software», comunidades de usuarios y la industria. El objetivo del equipo del proyecto BioExcel-3, financiado con fondos europeos, es capitalizar el éxito anterior y seguir desarrollando la comunidad de informática de alto rendimiento sostenible en Europa.


Life Science is turning into a data-driven and HPC dependent research field. BioTeam/Hyperion’s 2022 estimates show that 95% of Life Science projects are being dependent on HPC. The rapid response to Covid-19 showed how an EU collaboration between pharma industry, Life Science researchers and supercomputing centres resulted in several newly identified hits now undergoing clinical trials. Life Science is already delivering actual drug candidates within a year by using HPC in general, and BioExcel codes in particular (1000s of papers citing GROMACS or HADDOCK for SARS-CoV-2 simulations).

The Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research (BioExcel) was established in 2015, and funded again in 2018, to help accelerate this development. The BioExcel-3 strategy to achieve significant impact relies on (i) ensuring that the most widely used European codes provide high performance, efficiency, scaling, reliability and quality to meet academic and industrial needs; (ii) identifying user needs to prioritise development of features with high scientific impact & performance/porting requests for deployment on EuroHPC resources; (iii) providing state-of-the-art training program for next-generation EU workforce on exploitation of ensemble algorithms, AI approaches, and convergence of HPC, HTC and HPDA; (iv) being the preferred EU partner for international organisations; (v) providing sustainable business paths for companies that need commercial support or want to fund development of specific features; and (vi) operating under an open governance model that provides transparency for the community and EC to be confident BioExcel makes the right priorities based on user and HPC needs.

BioExcel-3 will grow and sustain the Life Science HPC community in Europe. Our success will be measured by our ability to support codes and train scientists who produce almost 10,000 scientific papers and numerous industrial projects every year.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 014 268,75
100 44 Stockholm

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Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms län
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 028 537,50

Participantes (8)