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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Converting Facilities Network for accelerating uptake of climate neutral materials in innovative products


Ein stärker vernetztes und integriertes Innovationsökosystem aufbauen

Der Übergang Europas zu Klimaneutralität und Kreislaufwirtschaft ist im Gange. Er zeigt sich in der Integration innovativer, kreislauforientierter und klimaneutraler Werkstofflösungen in die wichtigsten europäischen Wertschöpfungsketten: saubere autonome Fahrzeuge, intelligente Gesundheit, industrielles Internet der Dinge, CO2-arme Industrie und saubere Energie. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts Convert2Green wird eine offene Testumgebung für Innovationen eingerichtet, um das europäische offene Innovationsökosystem zu ergänzen. Konkret wird es die Analyse der Umweltauswirkungen vom Rohmaterial bis zum Produkt als Dienstleistung vervollständigen. Insgesamt wird das Projekt die erste offene Testumgebung für Innovationen sein, das die Verfahren und Vertragsmodelle für die Lizenzierung des gemeinsamen Eigentums an Rechten geistigen Eigentums festlegt. Das Projekt wird seine Dienste in das gesamte europäische Innovationsökosystem integrieren.


Convert2Green will establish an Open Innovation Test Beds (OITB) that enables material suppliers to integrate their innovative, circular and carbon neutral material solutions to the European Key Value Chains: Clean Autonomous Vehicles; Smart Health; Industrial IoT; Low Carbon Industry and Clean Energy. Thus, Convert2Green will provide innovative material suppliers new business opportunities in these value chains. Convert2Green will complement the European Open Innovation Ecosystem with services not present in other OITBs by now: (1) Complete Eco-Impact Analysis from Raw Material to Product as a service including LCA, LCC, Safety and Toxicity; (2) TRL4 to 7 Process Chains for Smart Textiles and Processing of Fiber based materials; (3) TRL4 to 7 Process Chain for Electronics on Plastic, Paper and Textiles; (4) Pilot Facilities for recovering critical raw materials from products; (5) Pilot Facilities for Processing of recycled plastics and composites, (6) Pilot facilities manufacturing of (nano)fibers and composites from bio-sources. Furthermore, Convert2Green will be the first OITB that establishes and provides to the OITB ecosystem: (1) procedures and contract models for licensing of joint IP through the Single Entry Point(s); (2) multilingual digital platform to integrate and jointly promote the service portfolio of all OITBs as well as to interconnect relevant stakeholders and to allow fully digital project and knowledge management and (3) novel financing models for SME combining a trust generating due-diligence structure with project based investment models and crowd-invest opportunities to accelerate market entry in all value chains given above. Convert2Green will integrate its services with the whole European Innovation Ecosystem and continues the series of OITB events started by Safe-n-MedTech and FlexFunction2Sustain OITBs to unite and jointly promote the (currently 25) OITBs as a whole to European SME, Industry, Policy Makersand other relevant stakeholders.


€ 1 533 200,00
157 80 ATHINA

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 533 200,00

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