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Risultati finali
This plan will include all the project management and quality assurance procedures necessary for the successful implementation of CRONUS (e.g. scope management, quality management, risk assessment, resource management, stakeholder management, schedule management and change management plans). The plan will also include a Gantt chart, a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS ), a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks.
Communication, Engagement and Dissemination PlanThe communication/engagement/dissemination plan shall define key messages, results and target audiences, and select appropriate tools and channels (including relevant conferences/events) to meet the information needs of target audiences.
Communication, Engagement and Dissemination Plan (revision 1)This report will update the Communication, Engagement and Dissemination Plan based on the project outputs for the period M5 to M15.
Community of Practice RoadmapThis deliverable sets up the guidelines for stakeholder identification and mapping, and establishing CoPs in each case study. The deliverable will also provide guidelines to identify social values, concerns and expectations to be integrated in Value Sensitive Design and Quantitative Story Telling. It will also define the criteria of good practices for stakeholder’s engagement that will be used to evaluate the CoPs at the end of the project.
Management Plan (revision 1)This report shall revise the Management Plan to maintain the high-level project management and quality assurance procedures necessary for the successful implementation of CRONUS.
The Data Management Plan will be drafted presenting what data will be created, how it will be created, and describe development of community driven, open access, end to end data procedures for its sharing and preservation as well as set certain datasets to remain closed according to the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. The plan workplan shall includes a deliverable for open access to research data
Rebecca Serna-García; Panagiotis Tsapekos; Laura Treu; Alberto Bouzas; Aurora Seco; Stefano Campanaro; Irini Angelidaki
Pubblicato in:
Serna-García , R , Tsapekos , P , Treu , L , Bouzas , A , Seco , A , Campanaro , S & Angelidaki , I 2023 , ' Unraveling prevalence of homoacetogenesis and methanogenesis pathways due to inhibitors addition ' , Bioresource Technology , vol. 376 , 128922 ., 2023, ISSN 0960-8524
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