Descrizione del progetto
Energia elettrica a basso costo e rinnovabile grazie al gas naturale liquefatto a base di biomassa e a zero emissioni.
Tra il 1990 e il 2020, tra tutti i settori dell’UE, le emissioni di gas serra sono diminuite del 32 %. Nello stesso periodo, il settore dei trasporti ha registrato un aumento del 7 %. La versione rinnovabile e non fossile del gas naturale liquefatto, il bioLNG, è destinata ad avere un impatto significativo sul trasporto non elettrificato. Prodotto dalla lavorazione dei flussi di rifiuti organici, può essere ottenuto ovunque si verifichi la digestione anaerobica. Il progetto CarbonNeutralLNG, finanziato dall’UE, alzerà la posta in gioco, offrendo un bioLNG veramente neutrale dal punto di vista delle emissioni di carbonio, sfruttando l’elettricità rinnovabile a basso costo in un processo catalitico ibrido proposto. Il processo combinerà la catalisi chimica con la metanazione biologica e l’elettrometanogenesi e convertirà direttamente la corrente elettrica in metano attraverso la respirazione anaerobica nei microbi.
CarbonNeutralLNG targets the truly carbon neutral use of biogenic carbon to replace fossil fuels for the transportation sector with renewable electricity enhanced bioLNG. Non-electric transport will depend on liquid and gaseous energy carriers like Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). BioLNG is particularly advantageous as high density liquid fuel for the heavy duty truck and the marine transportation sector. A proposed hybrid catalytic process combines chemical catalytic and biological methanation with electro methanogenesis in order to reduce process complexity and maximise carbon efficiency. Low-cost renewable electricity will be the main driver for reduced marginal costs for the bioLNG’s production.
The experimental work addresses the hybrid catalytic process chain’s main units and focuses on the development and testing of a “Sorption enhanced e-gasifier” (WP1), and additively manufactured “Chemical Catalytic Raw Methanation” reactor (WP2) and the “Biological Methane conditioning” (WP3) by means of biological methanation and electro-methanogensis.
Work packages 4 and 5 will include an “Impact assessment at environmental and socio-economic level” (WP4) and a “Roadmap to replication: market and policy assessment” (WP5). They will mainly address monitoring and avoidance of fugitive methane emissions facing the upcoming Regulation (EU) on “Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector” and will in particular prepare technical and legal recommendations to avoid methane emissions in LNG infrastructures. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based “Advanced Process Control and Scale-up considerations” (WP6) and the operation of the complete process chain will finally provide a proof-of-concept for the proposed process at TRL 3-4.
The work package „Coordination and Dissemination” (WP7) establishes a “Technology transfer and Dissemination Multiplier Board” with stakeholders and policy makers and will include several workshops, conferences and social media communication.
Campo scientifico
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsliquid fuels
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsfossil energynatural gas
- engineering and technologyindustrial biotechnologybiomaterialsbiofuels
- social sciencessocial geographytransportsustainable transport
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringenergy and fuelsenergy conversion
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsCoordinatore
91054 Erlangen