Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LIKE-A-PRO (From niche to mainstream - alternative proteins for everybody and everywhere)
Reporting period: 2022-11-01 to 2024-04-30
Protein extraction and processing methods from various sources were optimized enhancing efficiency, reducing undesirable compounds and addressing sensory issues. Advancements were made in scale-up of ingredients production and protein quality assessments (amino acid profiles, digestibility, antinutrient factors). The technological properties of the ingredients were evaluated and small batches of food products developed.
The operational framework for implementing Food Environment Citizen Innovation Living Labs across 11 EU countries was developed including defining visions, mandates, thematic focuses, target groups, implementation timelines and operational procedures. A strategy for citizens’ recruitment and engagement was developed. Capacity building in the form of train of the trainers undertaken to increase skills and confidence of lab implementers to deliver the activities. Some lab implementers have undertaken parts of the lab meetings with the rest being planned for RP2. Significant progress was also made in stakeholders’ engagement and exploitation planning. The establishment of the Food Actor Network (FAN) engaged several entities from various segments of the middle food system value chain. Preparatory steps for the Transition Arena methodology were completed to empower FAN members in addressing challenges related to alternative proteins. Initial steps were also taken to develop 15 white papers + 10 factsheets to disseminate technical and social innovation outcomes.
A socio-environmental assessment of conventional proteins was also conducted using the True Price methodology. This will serve as a basis for the alternative proteins assessment. Economic impacts of alternative protein developments were monitored and analyzed through market trends and comprehensive audits to understand market penetration and pricing strategies.
A review of EU food safety regulations ensured compliance for alternative proteins. A methodology was developed to assess safety and novel status of proteins focusing on allergenicity, toxicity and digestibility. Data management practices and ethical guidelines were implemented to ensure compliance with ethical standards.
Guidelines for communication campaigns will be co-designed, highlighting the most effective communication frames, language, and consumer driven messaging, which will be validated in the FE intervention pilots. This will also help fostering alternative protein consumption.
Consumers looking for alternatives to conventional animal proteins are confronted with a limited product offering. LIKE-A-PRO will answer the limitations of the State-of-the-Art in alternative proteins by diversifying the protein product offering by developing 16 food products with ingredients from 7 alternative sources that are novel, sustainable and local, healthy, affordable and industry viable. The empowerment of middle food system actors to make positive changes in their settings will be key to ensure the LIKE-A-PRO improvements in accessibility and availability will be long-term.