Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DIAMOND (Delivering the next generation of open Integrated Assessment MOdels for Net-zero, sustainable Development)
Reporting period: 2022-12-01 to 2024-05-31
O1. Produce iteratively updated, upgraded, open-source versions of six leading IAMs
O2. Further enhance their capabilities through fully fledged multi-model integrated frameworks and systematic interdisciplinary interactions with other tools and disciplines
O3. Enable the systematic evaluation of interactions among climate change mitigation, adaptation, risks, physical impacts
O4. Validate the capacity of these IAMs to support climate and other development policies at all scales and substantially contribute to international scientific assessments with an expanded scenario space
O5. Transparently open IAM enhancements and increase their usability and relevance via capacity development and communities of practice
O6. Develop a transdisciplinary scientific approach to co-create the research questions, legitimise the implementation process and model development, and optimise the communication of project results
First and second version of the multi-layered stakeholder engagement strategy
Stakeholder engagement database (with more than 50 stakeholders from diverse backgrounds)
7 internal workshops to foster mutual understanding among research teams
Review of current model capabilities; first version of model development strategy and its update
Aggregated version of CLEWs-EU
Beta versions for GCAM-EU, GEMINI-E3 EU
Progress in development of all six IAMs (databases, updates on sector/tech representation, calibration, etc.)
Expanded capabilities of the ENGAGE CGE model
Rollout of METEOR, a spatial time-evolving emulator of climate outcomes
Improved version of OpenSCM framework
Progress in 5/7 domain modules (including stylised financial theoretical models, behavioural analysis framework)
4 template processes for IAM-module linkages
Literature review of financial, labour, well-being in IAMs, impact assessment of OpenSCM improvements
Progress in definition of novel scenario space (review of existing scenario space, identification of missing gaps
Coordination with all other project components (data harmonisation, interlinkages, etc.)
(e) OPEN
First and second version of machine-actionable DMP within OpenAIRE Argos
Setup of project Zenodo and GitHub repositories
CLEWs-EU provided online as open source; OPEN-PROM available in GitHub while under development
Open source supporting tools (gcamreport, mrprom, vetting tool, visualisation tool)
15 open-access papers (13 in collaboration with other projects)
-1 set of surveys on current modelling capabilities, 2 reports on the model development strategy and current progress
-1 model (aggregated CLEWs-EU) on GitHub; 2 beta versions (GCAM-Europe, GEMINI-E3 EU) at advanced stage
-2 papers/3 conferences on GCAM-Europe related improvements (responding to the energy crisis)
-3 papers/2 conferences on GEMINI-E3 EU related improvements (on CBAM)
-1 paper on CLEWs-EU related improvements (on representation of hydrogen)
-1 opinion paper on SDG-related IAM advancements
-Contributions to O1 reports (on inter-model linking)
-Improved representation of industry in ENGAGE
-3 stylised theoretical models for financial aspects, 1 review paper near-submission-ready
-Structure for surveys on modelling human behaviour and decision-making
-1 paper/2 conferences on the EU’s path to net-zero
-1 paper on trade-offs/synergies of EU mitigation with SDGs
-1 conference paper on income distribution impacts on residential energy demand
-1 conference paper on impacts of cleantech interest rates
-1 conference session and 2 papers on gender, health, other co-benefits in IAMs
-1 conference paper on impact of geopolitics of natural gas in IAMs
-Beta version for METEOR
-Improved version of OpenSCM emulation framework
-Development of methodologies to identify uncertainties in scenario pipeline
-1 opinion paper on evaluating emerging cleantech to bridge decarbonisation with environmental impacts
-1 paper on the EU’s path to net-zero (O2) considering nature-based solutions, and role of LULUCF
-Contributions to O1 reports (guidance for model development; e.g. harmonisation).
-Initial scoping and design of novel scenario space definition
-2 versions of and reports on a machine-actionable data management plan
-1 report on synergies with the modelling community
-1 GitHub repository and 1 Zenodo community
-Development/Calibration of supporting tools (gcamreport, mrprop, adaptation of pyiode for NEMESIS, MEDUSA, vetting and visualisation tool)
-Participation in 3 conferences (IAMC, ECEMP, EGU), model communities, sister project events
-1 GCAM training seminar, 2 courses in university curricula (ETH, NTUA)
-1 paper on PV rooftop data
-1 paper on an operational research decision support tool
-1 conference paper on MEDUSA
-2 reports on the multi-layered stakeholder engagement strategy
-1 stakeholder database
-9 internal workshops to establish mutual understanding
-1 report on results of Stages 1-2 of Phase 1 of stakeholder engagement
-1 report on project’s visual identity, 2 reports on project’s CDE
-9 newsletters/press releases, 16 infographics, 1 media article
-1 paper on best practices for participatory modelling
-2 papers on stakeholder engagement for regional net zero pathway development
-3 conferences & 3 events on pathways to inter- and trans-disciplinary research
-Transdisciplinarity material to university courses (SUPSI, ETH) (see 05).