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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Delivering the next generation of open Integrated Assessment MOdels for Net-zero, sustainable Development

Description du projet

Améliorer les outils de modélisation pour atteindre des objectifs ambitieux en matière de changement climatique

Les modèles d’évaluation intégrée (MEI) permettent de comprendre comment les comportements socio-économiques influencent le changement climatique et l’élaboration des politiques. Bien que les MEI aient fait l’objet de progrès considérables, leur conception, leur mise en œuvre et leurs capacités ont été critiquées pour avoir omis d’aborder de nouvelles questions ou pour avoir ignoré celles n’ayant pas été traitées dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris et de l’objectif «zéro émission nette». Le projet DIAMOND, financé par l’UE, a pour objectif de renouveler, d’améliorer et de lancer six MEI représentatives de procédures scientifiques et politiques. Il améliorera la modélisation afin de mieux évaluer la viabilité et l’adéquation des voies d’atténuation conformément à l’Accord de Paris. Il s’intéressera également à la manière dont ces voies interagissent avec l’adaptation, l’économie circulaire et d’autres objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies.


Recent literature has underlined the interplay among climate mitigation, adaptation, and finance, as well as between climate action and other development agendas, including sustainable resource use, human development and equity, and environmental pressures. Such an interconnected policy environment requires an integrated ecosystem of disciplines, methods, and tools. Despite the significant evolution of integrated assessment models (IAMs) in the last decade, there remain several criticisms on their design, use, and adequacy to respond to unaddressed and emerging questions in the light of the Paris Agreement and net-zero ambition. These include openness, legitimacy, and ownership, as well as technical feasibility to represent demand-side and broader societal transformations, cross-sectoral interactions, physical impacts and adaptation, climate finance and labour dynamics, and other sustainability goals.
DIAMOND will update, upgrade, and fully open six IAMs that are emblematic in scientific and policy processes, improving their sectoral and technological detail, spatiotemporal resolution, and geographic granularity. It will further enhance modelling capacity to assess the feasibility and desirability of Paris-compliant mitigation pathways, their interplay with adaptation, circular economy, and other SDGs, their distributional and equity effects, and their resilience to extremes, as well as robust risk management and investment strategies. This will be done via integration of tools and insights from psychology, finance research, behavioural and labour economics, operational research, and physical science. We will develop a transdisciplinary scientific approach to legitimise the implementation process and co-create research questions that stretch the frontiers of climate science, as well as establish vibrant communities of practice to transparently open model enhancements and to develop capacities, thereby lowering the entrance barriers to the established IAM community.

Champ scientifique (EuroSciVoc)

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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 914 298,75
106 82 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 914 298,75

Participants (13)

Partenaires (6)