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ULTIMO - Advancing Sustainable User-centric Mobility with Automated Vehicles

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Communication and dissemination plan, reports and materials - Second version

Report on communication and dissemination plan as well as activities. Related tasks: T7.1, T7.2The second version of the deliverable reports on the implemented communication and dissemination channels, and the achieved results and outreach.A revision and update of the communication and dissemination plan is also undertaken, if needed (based on the achieved KPIs).

Passenger and PTO requirements, needs, and use cases- First version

Passenger and PTO requirements, needs, and use cases consisting of detailed requirements, needs, and use cases of end-users. Related tasks: T2.1, T2.2, T2.3The target of this deliverable is to describe the link between the passenger needs and the vehicle capabilities, linking use cases to ODDs and vehicle capabilities.Based on the real user (passenger and PTOs) needs, we define the target ODDs and correlate them to the different vehicle capabilities, taking into account and integrating the services' needed that will be defined in co-creation with the end users.The first version of the deliverable will describe the use cases and their needs and relation to the vehicle capabilities, defining the target ODDs.

Business plans, and partnerships for intelligent CCAM ecosystem - First version

This deliverable will develop a complete business plan for an efficient, safer, carbon-free, inclusive, and sustainable transport in cities, suburban and rural areas deployment of MaaS and LaaS based on automated vehicles.The first version will consolidate knowledge from past projects and from the project deployments and provide a roadmap, identifying the data that will be needed from the project sites.

Project inception report & Data Management Plan - Intermediate version

Project inception report & Data Management Plan consisting of the Data Management Plan abiding to FAIR principles. Related tasks: T1.4This deliverable complements the D1.1 by adding the Data Management Plan, which, based on the the Guidelines on FAIR Data Management, will define the how the project data are processed, protected and managed in the project.

Communication and dissemination plan, reports and materials - First version

Report on communication and dissemination plan as well as activities. Related tasks: T7.1, T7.2The first version of the deliverable defines the project communication and dissemination plans, and reports on the implemented communication and dissemination channels.

Transformation guidelines towards future transport ITS/CCAM ecosystem - First version

The target of this deliverable is to elaborate and present description and scenarios for future deployment of MaaS and LaaS service, analysing a stakeholder approach, identifying transition goals and elaborating transition strategies and business models.The first version of the deliverable consolidates existing knowledge from past projects and the project deployment sites and establishes a roadmap and date requirements towards the final deliverable targets (that is, an overall implementation plan and a transition into practice (EU market) measures roadmap towards a sustainable intelligent future citizen centric ecosystem for persons and (small size) goods).

Quality Assurance, Risk Assessment, Ethics & Regulatory issues - Intermediate version

Quality Assurance, Risk Assessment, Ethics & Regulatory issues including the a) Quality Management Plan of the project, b) the Risk Assessment Plan of the project, c) Ethics manual of the project, and d) the regulatory aspects and the imposed restrictions. Related task: T1.2, T1.3In this second version of the deliverable we update the quality control process of the project (if required), and revisit the risk analysis, identifying possible new risk and re-evaluating the previously identified risks. Furthermore we identify the ethical and legal issues and describe options and solutions for the project.

Quality Assurance, Risk Assessment, Ethics & Regulatory issues - First version

Quality Assurance, Risk Assessment, Ethics & Regulatory issues including the a) Quality Management Plan of the project, b) the Risk Assessment Plan of the project, c) Ethics manual of the project, and d) the regulatory aspects and the imposed restrictions. Related task: T1.2, T1.3In this first version of the deliverable we describe how the project ensures the quality of the work and deliverables, and identify the ethical and legal issues that the project will need to face.

Stakeholders’ engagement activities & Exploitation plans - First version

Report on stakeholders’ engagement activities and exploitation plans. Related tasks: T7.2, T7.3

Inclusion, accessibility and co-creation framework - First version

Report on accessibility evaluation of services and co-creation outcomes. Related tasks: T2.4, T2.5The needs passengers including PRMs and special needs passengers will be identified and translated to use cases and vehicle and services' requirements, through active citizen involvement and co-creation. The first version of the deliverable will describe the methods that will be used, and a first description of the needs based on experience from the deployed transportation services and anticipating needs for the full deployment coming from active citizen co-creation.

Impact and KPI assessment - First version

Report on impact and KPI assessment activities. Related tasks: T7.3The target of this deliverable is to report on the continuous KPI evaluation toward the project targeted impacts, by measuring the impacts whenever results, major achievements are made available, and specific outcomes and milestones are reached.The first version of the deliverable describes the methodologies that are used and reports on the current state of the KPIs and impacts, providing as well concrete recommendations for improvements.

Project inception report & Data Management Plan - First version

Project inception report consisting of: a) detailed project management plan, b) Inception report. Related tasks: T1.1, T1.3This first version report describes the planned actions and management of the project, how the management will face the different issues in the project and how the recommendations from the advisory board and EU will be integrated in the project.

Large Scale Demonstration report - First version

Report on large scale demonstration activities on the pilot sites. Related tasks: T5.1, T5.2, T5.3The deliverable provides a detailed description of the state of the deployment in the project sites, and the plans for the next project period.The issues faced, problems, obstacle are described, along with the proposed and implemented solutions.The detailed ODDs and used cases per site as well as operation statistics are also described.

Multivariate evaluation of ULTIMO CCAM ecosystem - First version

Report on technical, social, economic, environmental and governance evaluation activities. Related tasks: T6.1The first version of the deliverable consolidates the knowledge gained from past projects and from the existing project deployments, of the technical, social, economic, environmental and governance impacts,of a seamless transport of persons and goods within an integrated approach.

MaaS passengers & LaaS Services - First version

Report on MaaS passengers & LaaS services development and adaptation. Related tasks: T4.1, T4.2This demonstrator deliverable implements the project target MaaS and LaaS services.The first deliverable is a consolidation of the MaaS services of the project sites, offering the basic MaaS services and having identified the options and issues that will require further technical development and improvement.

Vehicles and Infrastructure Services - First version

Report on vehicles and infrastructure Services development and adaptation. Related tasks: T4.3This demonstrator deliverable implements the technologies for the support of passenger and transport services.The first version consolidates the existing services in the project site and allows users to experience the services. Open issues are also identified, and a planning and prioritization for the development fo the target services is established.

ITS Management Services - First version

Report on ITS management services development and adaptation. Related tasks: T4.4This demonstrator deliverable implements a variety of ULTIMO ITS management services related to development of QoS measuring tools, licensing quality assurance from PTA, and enabling trusted AM third party, along with integrated MaaS/LaaS management.The first version consolidates and identifies the existing and used ITS services are the project sites, and defines a roadmap of the implementation and prioritization of the ITS services to be developed.

Common platform and HD map - First version

Technical description of the common platform and HD map. Related tasks: T3.3, T3.4The target of the deliverable is to define in detail the common open HD map model for fully automated vehicles' operation.The first version of the deliverable will identify and describe the existing HD maps of the target vehicles and describe a first version of the target HD map model, identifying the common parts of the native HD maps, and the critical differences between them that will require complex and innovative solutions.

Open modular system requirements, architecture and tools- First version

Technical description of the PTO service and policy requirements, along with definition of the architecture of the system. Related tasks: T3.5, T3.6The target of the deliverable is to define the overall architecture of the platform and the transport services' policy requirement and their impact to the architecture.The first version of the deliverable will describe the proposed system architecture and provide a first version of the policy requirements of the the PTOs, based on the defined use cases and ODDs for each operator and deployment site.

Vehicle adaptation and common vehicle API - First version

Technical description of the vehicle adaptation and common vehicle API. Related tasks: T3.1, T3.2The target of the deliverable is to define in detail the common open vehicle APIs for both in-vehicle services and remote connection.The first version of the deliverable will identify and describe the existing APIs of the target vehicles and describe a first version of the target common interfaces, identifying the common parts of the native vehicle APIs, and the critical differences between them that will require complex and innovative solutions.


Understanding the process of institutional change for sustainable future urban mobility: Insight on shared automated electric vehicle integrated in MaaS innovation from the ULTIMO European project

Autores: Wale Arowolo, Isabelle Nicolai
Publicado en: LexisNexis Paris, Edición 1, 2024, ISBN 9782711038336
Editor: LexisNexis Paris

A novel ML‑MCDM‑based decision support system for evaluating autonomous vehicle integration scenarios in Geneva’s public transportation

Autores: Shervin Zakeri, Dimitri Konstantas, Shahryar Sorooshian, Prasenjit Chatterjee
Publicado en: Artificial Intelligence Review, Edición Volume 57, article number 310, (2024), 2024, ISSN 1573-7462
Editor: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10462-024-10917-w

Governance of automated vehicle in the urban transport system: Insight from a willingness-to-use survey and Norwegian cultural context

Autores: Wale Arowolo, Magnus Larsson, Isabelle Nicolaï
Publicado en: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 24 (2024) 101040, 2024, ISSN 2590-1982
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2024.101040

Governanceofsharedautomatedelectricvehicleinthe urban transportsystem:insightfroma willingness-to-use surveyandNorwegianculturalcontext

Autores: WaleArowolo,MagnusLarsson,IsabelleNicolaï
Publicado en: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2024, ISSN 2590-1982
Editor: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2024.101040

EVENT: Real-time Video Feed Anomaly Detection for Enhanced Security in Autonomous Vehicles

Autores: Georgios Aivatoglou; Nikolaos Oikonomou; Georgios Spanos; Kristina Livitckaia; Konstantinos Votis; Dimitrios Tzovaras
Publicado en: IEEE Explore, 2023, ISSN 2473-3504
Editor: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/MED59994.2023.10185766

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