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AI for Citizen Intelligent Coaching against Disinformation

Descripción del proyecto

Un juego de herramientas para investigar si las declaraciones son verdaderas

La desinformación, diseñada intencionalmente para engañar, constituye un gran problema hoy día. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto TITAN, financiado con fondos europeos, desarrollará un ecosistema atractivo para capacitar a los ciudadanos para que cuestionen, investiguen y comprendan si una declaración es cierta. A través de un entrenamiento inteligente en el proceso de investigación, en TITAN se creará un sistema de interacción de «preguntas y respuestas» intuitivo, personalizado e impulsado por inteligencia artificial que centrará la atención del ciudadano investigador en la interpretación lógica y la evaluación crítica del razonamiento y los argumentos implícitos en la declaración en cuestión. Los esquemas conversacionales de entrenamiento inteligente, desarrollados con un enfoque centrado en las personas, se personalizarán de acuerdo con el perfil del ciudadano investigador.


TITAN delivers an open, distributed and citizen engaging ecosystem which empowers the citizen itself to conduct effective and efficient investigations for understanding whether statements at hand are true. Empowerment is achieved by means of intelligent coaching on the process of investigation. AI-driven, intuitive and personalised ‘question-and-response’ interaction will set the attention of the investigating citizen on the logical interpretation and critical assessment of the implied reasoning and arguments in the statement at hand while directing the citizen in the appropriate use of suitable fact-checking and media literacy tools and services. By being part of the TITAN ecosystem, the citizen is intelligently coached on how to conduct effective investigations either on his/her own or in collaboration with other concerned citizens. Intelligent coaching conversational schemes are personalised according to the investigating citizen’s profile, digital skills, media literacy skills, possible difficulties in thinking critically as well as the linguistic characteristics of the statement under investigation. At the end of such an ‘question-and-response’ interaction cycle, the citizen will have his/her critical thinking and media literacy skills advanced so as to better detect disinformation he/she may encounter in the future at scale. The TITAN Ecosystem will be developed following a human-centered approach which will engage diverse groups of citizens in productive co-creation sessions at all project implementation phases.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 965 625,00
00144 ROMA

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 965 625,00

Participantes (11)

Socios (2)