Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PROMETHEUS (PROgraMmable integrated photonic nEuromorphic and quanTum networks for High-speed imaging, communications and sEcUrity applicationS)
Berichtszeitraum: 2022-09-01 bis 2024-02-29
The project demonstrated the concept of optical spectrum slicing in edge computing and image classification, showcasing promising performance in mitigating transmission impairments and image classification. Design convergence for fabrication run1 is nearing completion, with exploration for higher dimensionality in run2. A Python implementation of the NIST test suite for randomness is under development.
In terms of impact, PROMETHEUS perfectly aligns with climate neutrality objectives, emphasizing low-power, high-performance aspects, and a less demanding integration strategy to reduce the environmental footprint in digital supply chains. It also adheres to climate-neutral production mandates, mitigating manufacturing-related carbon footprints.
PROMETHEUS holds relevance for clean water and sanitation efforts, reducing the climate impact of medical processing and indirectly benefiting public health by reducing pollution and enhancing water supply quality.
The project significantly impacts good health and well-being by drastically improving sample processing time and accuracy through Spiking Neural Networks, reducing false positives/negatives in critical medical examinations, enhancing health management within the European Union.
Economically, PROMETHEUS contributes by revolutionizing processing speed and power consumption, enhancing productivity across sectors and fostering competitiveness.
In terms of industry, innovation, and infrastructure, PROMETHEUS develops a versatile photonic platform accommodating emerging concepts like spiking networks, reservoir computing, and quantum neural networks, driving technological innovation. It addresses critical industry applications, revolutionizing image processing and optical signal processing, thereby advancing industries and infrastructure.