Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FAME (Framework for coordination of Automated Mobility in Europe)
Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31
FAME will establish a stakeholder-validated European framework for testing on public roads. This framework will include a Common Evaluation Methodology, a CCAM test data space (TDS), a Taxonomy tool, an ethics framework, and an inventory of current legislation, approval processes and procedures. It is intended to enable comparability, complementarity and upscaling of R&I results for future research, development and testing of CCAM-enabled solutions and services, and facilitate the evaluation of their wider impacts.
FAME approach is based on the integration and further development of existing elements such as stakeholder networks and the CAD Knowledge Base ( FAME builds on a strong legacy of EU-funded Coordination and Support Actions ARCADE, CARTRE, VRA and FOT-Net, which have developed harmonised methodologies and federated large networks of stakeholders to drive consensus building on challenges, needs and requirements for CCAM.
- Policy brief on legal and regulatory frameworks for CCAM, providing recommendations for the European framework for testing CCAM on public roads
- Expanded and improved the CAD Knowledge Base (KB) content and functionalities to maximize its usefulness and accessibility
- Inventory of existing methodologies and related lessons learned towards the CEM development
- Taxonomy and related tool developed and implemented in the KB
- Updated CCAM Data Sharing Framework
- In-depth inventory of legal and administrative frameworks and procedures for CCAM testing in the 27 EU Member States, as well as Norway, Switzerland, and the UK
EU CCAM common evaluation methodology for large-scale demonstration pilots in Europe ensuring that resulting evaluation results are easy to compare, and complement each other to support meta-analyses. The CEM will provide the best methodological practices which maximise the benefits of the evaluation work and provide necessary input for decision and policy making ensuring their high quality. The taxonomy will be the basis for a common ground and will be implemented in the data formats and annotation models to facilitate data reuse and sharing from the large-scale demonstration pilots. Common vocabulary and the comply-or-explain principle also help projects to communicate their approaches and findings to the CCAM community.
Test data exchange framework which addresses legal and administrative aspects as well as technical aspects like data provision, access, protection of user data, with a collection of best practices and guidelines, including specifications for data labelling (e.g. ODD definition) and common data formats (aligned with ongoing standardisation activities) as well as tools and documentation to use them, a common openly accessible platform safeguarding ethical usage of test data in a transparent manner to improve cooperation across projects and stakeholders.
Enhanced Knowledge Base on CCAM, more targeted, accessible and adapted to the needs of all relevant stakeholders.
Network and forum of stakeholders in the different thematic fields of R&I on CCAM with adequate tools and processes to enable the exchange of experiences and practices, stimulate collaboration and consensus building on challenges and future R&I needs.