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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Next Generation Internet for All Evolution - Growing a Sustainable and Inclusive Ecosystem


NGI Communication and Marketing Strategy and Plan

This deliverable provides the NGI communication and marketing strategy and plan, including dissemination and exploitation. This should be considered as a living document that will be regularly updated. 

NGI Outreach Activities Report

This deliverable will report on the outreach activities in the first reporting period, gathering input from all WP3 tasks. 

NGI Diversity and Inclusion report

This deliverable will document the engagement activities conducted in WP4 during the first reporting period, including the mapping of communities, and any update needed to the EDI work plan to better tailor efforts in the second half of the project.

NGI Stakeholders Engagement Plan

This deliverable will describe the NGI stakeholders’ engagement plan, by gathering input from all WP2 tasks and aligning with Task 1.2.

NGI Media mapping and database

This deliverable will provide an upgrade of the NGI media landscape as well as an enlarged version of the NGI media database.

NGI Equity Diversity and Inclusion Workplan

This deliverable will include the results of the assessment of NGI resources in terms of accessibility, diversity and inclusion, and a roadmap to address the identified gaps and opportunities

NGI Strategic Guidance Report

This deliverable will update the strategy and plan as relevant, and report on WP1 activities. It will also provide a first assessment of the impact, exploitation and sustainability of NGI solutions, including the map of identified NGI enablers - based on Task 1.4 work.

NGI Stakeholders Engagement Report

This deliverable will report on the stakeholders’ engagement activities led by WP2, focusing on the lessons learned to better tailor future efforts. It will describe, among others, the work undertaken to add new features and update the data model of the NGI Innovators Database, also reporting about the population statistics.

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