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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

European Parntership Driving Urban Transitions

Description du projet

Traduire les stratégies mondiales en actions locales

Les défis urbains sont légion et, à ce titre, il est temps de redoubler d’efforts pour les relever. Les programmes de R’I, soutenus par les autorités locales, les municipalités, les entreprises et les citoyens, peuvent être mobilisés pour transformer les stratégies mondiales en actions locales. Le programme DUT, financé par l’UE, de JPI Urban Europe, avec ses partenaires originaires de 27 pays, développera et mettra en œuvre un programme de R’I transformateur visant à renforcer les transitions urbaines vers des zones urbaines climatiquement neutres, inclusives et durables. Il mettra l’accent sur trois secteurs urbains d’une importance capitale, à savoir l’énergie, la mobilité et l’économie circulaire, et leurs interconnections. En outre, trois voies de transition (les quartiers à énergie positive, la ville du quart d’heure et les économies urbaines circulaires) seront envisagées dans une perspective à long terme.


The DUT Partnership builds upon and steps up the ambition and efforts of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe (JPI UE). With its partners from 28 countries, it DUT aims at developing and implementing a transformative research and innovation (R&I) programme to strengthen urban transitions towards climate-neutral, inclusive and sustainable urban areas. With national and regional R&I programme owners, funders and urban policy-related public authorities, DUT is strongly building upon and aligning with national and regional strategies and policies. In order to support cities along their specific strategies, the Partnership focuses on three critical urban sectors, energy, mobility and circular economy, and their interrelations. Three Transition Pathways (TPs) – Positive Energy Districts (PED), the 15-minute City (15minC) and Circular Urban Economies (CUE) – will be addressed with a long-term perspective. DUT will not only provide funding for transnational R&I projects in and across these areas through implementing co-funded JCs, but establish a comprehensive programme management to support capacity building and enhance the (policy) impact of these projects and their results. In this regard, programme activities will address capacity building and empowerment of all urban stakeholder groups to engage in urban R&I and co-design solutions. Urban living labs (ULLs) will be fostered as an important concept to support local experimentation and inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. New approaches towards dissemination and mainstreaming of research results will be developed with the ambition to bring results into our cities. Strategic synthesis, as well as recommendations and references for policy making will be provided with particular focus on contributions to the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU), the European mission for climate-neutral and smart cities (CNSC) and the European Green Deal (EGD). Efforts will be taken to position the DUT Partnership internationally and mobilise international partners to join forces in DUT.

This grant agreement (GA) covers activities implemented during the first seven years (2022-2028) of the DUT Partnership planned duration of 12 years (2022-2033). The commitments included in this GA are dedicated to the first 2 calls and are based on the indicative commitments given by countries for the entire DUT duration (2022-2033) in the early preparatory phase.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 145 448,00
1030 Wien

Voir sur la carte

Ostösterreich Wien Wien
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 678 000,00

Participants (51)

Partenaires (16)