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Capturing the potential of Gene editing for a sustainable BioEconomy


Erforschung des technischen und sozioökonomischen Potenzials neuer genomischer Verfahren für eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie

Neue genomische Verfahren stellen ein leistungsfähiges Instrumentarium zur Bewältigung aktueller drängender globaler Herausforderungen, wie Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel dar. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt GeneBEcon konzentriert sich auf folgende Themen: 1) Forschung und Innovation durch genomische Verfahren in Kartoffeln und Mikroalgen zur Förderung einer energieeffizienten, schadstofffreien landwirtschaftlichen Produktion und einer sauberen industriellen Verarbeitung durch den Verzicht auf chemisch behandelte Stärke und neuartige Verbindungen; 2) Untersuchung der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und regulatorischen Dimensionen des Potenzials neuer genomischer Verfahren für den europäischen Grünen Deal, den Klimazielplan 2030 und den Aktionsplan für die Kreislaufwirtschaft und Beitrag zur EU-Politik; 3) Untersuchung der potenziellen Vorteile und Bedenken, um sicherzustellen, dass Innovationen aus genomischen Verfahren auf verantwortungsvolle, integrative und transparente Weise entwickelt werden.


New genomic techniques (NGTs) can contribute to an energy-efficient, low-input and zero-pollution agricultural production and industrial processing. Despite rapid recent progress, this toolbox is still in its infancy and substantial investments are needed to optimise the methods. Also, the innovation potential is fully exploited only if economic, social, and regulatory drivers coalesce and are accompanied by transparent communication and inclusive stakeholder engagement. A problem facing NGT innovation in Europe is that regulatory uncertainty restricts investment at all levels – research, innovation and scaling up – and the impacts of NGTs, both positive and negative, are not fully assessed. It also remains to be seen if public and stakeholder acceptance of NGT products will enable their application. The consequence is that NGTs do not yet reach their full potential. The research in GeneBEcon has two facets. First, the technical potential is explored by applying gene editing to develop 1) a virus-resistant potato with an industrial tuber starch quality, and 2) microalgae-based production of industrially relevant mycosporin-like amino acids. Second, the risk-regulatory aspects, economic incentives, and social perceptions are investigated. In the latter, comparative analyses are enabled by our approach with two different production systems: open-field agricultural crop and contained-system microalgae. The results will enable technical innovations as well as allow stakeholders (incl researchers, breeders, primary producers, value chain actors, risk assessors and decision makers) to take informed decisions on the safe and responsible use of NGT-derived products. GeneBEcon has a multi-sectoral consortium and the project links to relevant stakeholders through a Stakeholder Advisory Board. This will, through communication and inclusive engagement, enable an improved understanding and awareness of the risks and benefits of NGT-derived products through societal dialogue.


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