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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

safeGUARDing biodivErsity aNd critical ecosystem services across sectors and scales

Descripción del proyecto

Herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para proteger la biodiversidad

Las comunidades saludables dependen del buen funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. La conservación de la biodiversidad mundial es una condición previa para lograr la mitigación del cambio climático, así como la adaptación al mismo y el bienestar duradero de la flora, la fauna y de todo tipo de forma de vida. Sin embargo, esta labor no es fácil. En el proyecto GUARDEN, financiado con fondos europeos, se creará una aplicación de apoyo a la toma de decisiones orientada al usuario. Su equipo establecerá asociaciones de múltiples partes interesadas y recopilará datos que puedan ayudar a las organizaciones, los agentes y los responsables políticos a tomar decisiones fundamentadas. En GUARDEN se empleará el aprendizaje profundo, la observación de la Tierra y la modelización híbrida para aumentar la cantidad de datos de biodiversidad geolocalizados y desarrollar una nueva generación de modelos predictivos de la biodiversidad e indicadores de estado de los ecosistemas.


GUARDEN’s main mission is to safeguard biodiversity and its contributions to people by bringing them at the forefront of policy and decision-making. This will be achieved through the development of user-oriented Decision Support Applications (DSAs), and leveraging on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs). They will take into account policy and management objectives and priorities across sectors and scales, build consensus to tackle data gaps, analytical uncertainties or conflicting objectives, and assess options to implement adaptive transformative change. To do so, GUARDEN will make use of a suite of methods and tools using Deep Learning, Earth Observation, and hybrid modelling to augment the amount of standardized and geo-localized biodiversity data, build-up a new generation of predictive models of biodiversity and ecosystem status indicators under multiple pressures (human and climate), and propose a set of complementary ecological indicators likely to be incorporated into local management and policy. The GUARDEN approach will be applied at sectoral case studies involving end users and stakeholders through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships, and addressing critical cross-sectoral challenges (at the nexus of biodiversity and deployment of energy/transport infrastructure, agriculture, and coastal urban development). Thus, the GUARDEN DSAs shall help stakeholders engaged in the challenge to improve their holistic understanding of ecosystem functioning, biodiversity loss and its drivers and explore the potential ecological and societal impacts of alternative decisions. Upon the acquisition of this new knowledge and evidence, the DSAs will help end-users not only navigate but also (re-)shape the policy landscape to make informed all-encompassing decisions through cross-sectoral integration.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 669 875,00
75016 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 669 875,00

Participantes (16)

Socios (1)