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Urban Data Spaces for Green dEal

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - USAGE (Urban Data Spaces for Green dEal)

Période du rapport: 2022-08-01 au 2024-01-31

The USAGE (Urban Data Space for Green Deal) project aims to provide solutions and mechanisms for making city-level environmental and climate data available to everyone based on FAIR principles. In that sense, one of the major aims of USAGE is to support the implementation of the European strategy for data and various European Green Deal priority actions at the level where climate change is mostly felt: cities and towns.

USAGE is working to provide innovative governance mechanisms, consolidated arrangements, AI-based tools and data analytics to share, access and use city-level data from Earth Observation (EO), Internet of Things (IoT), authoritative and crowd sources, leveraging on standards for data and service interoperability. In that sense, USAGE wants to become a decentralized infrastructure for trustworthy data collection, processing and exchange based on commonly agreed principles, facilitating the combination of heterogeneous data for policy analysis.

USAGE is validating its solutions in four diverse pilot areas located in four different countries (Ferrara, Zaragoza, Leuven and Graz), focusing also on the reusability of the solutions in other urban areas.
The main work and achievements for the core WPs are the following ones:

- WP2: This WP has contributed to a better understanding of the challenges regarding the Green Deal policy framework at the urban level. A very comprehensive status quo assessment of where the four pilot cities are has been conducted, including the identification of needs and challenges in using data around European Green Deal (EGD) priorities. Based on these results, use cases have been developed, and needs-specific solutions are under development. A range of approaches has also been successfully employed to facilitate new practices in the use of environmental data, including workshops and 'learning-by-doing' activities with practitioners.

- WP3: Available data space building standards and solutions have been initially mapped to each building block as relevant, and the standards to be used in each use case are partly planned. Within the use cases definition, the needs for data and software requirements have been identified and chosen. Following the use cases analysis, the available datasets and software responding to the defined requirements were chosen and reported in the descriptions after being documented through the agreed metadata schemas. The missing data and applications have been already partly acquired or developed, in collaboration with WP4. Standards and solutions to ensure FAIRness to data and solutions used for USAGE use cases have been chosen, for part of the use cases, after comparing the available alternatives.

- WP4: The procedures to collect, process and share geospatial (but not only) data to support the EU Green Deal actions, specifically in the project pilot areas, have been identified. Such data are accessible using web-based tools with the aim to offer data spaces of the pilot urban areas. And with the support of pilot partners, USAGE solutions are under testing in the 4 project pilots with the aim to support policy makers in the delivery of appropriate strategies to boost environmental monitoring and mitigate climate changes.

- WP5: A set of validation criteria and indicators, together with target values and measurement procedures has been defined. Preliminary validation activities have already allowed providing initial feedback on the design of the use cases, both in terms of workflows (WP3) and of tools and algorithms (WP4), and on the data space Business Model design (WP6) and to the Long-term sustainability and growth strategy definition.
The results are related to the main work and achievements for the core WPs (WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5):

- A very comprehensive status quo assessment of where the four pilot cities are has been conducted, including the identification of needs and challenges in using data around European Green Deal (EGD) priorities.
- A set of use cases for the four pilot cities.
- The needs for data and software requirements have been identified and chosen.
- The procedures to collect, process and share geospatial (but not only) data to support the EU Green Deal actions, specifically in the project pilot areas, have been identified.
- A set of validation criteria and indicators, together with target values and measurement procedures has been defined.