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Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainablity

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Briefing papers created for each XCT

This deliverable is an instruction manual including set of briefing papers on each subsystem (XCT) of the Simple SES to inform each DA. These Briefing Papers (BP) will include:BP1: Resource definition and priority setting. BP2: Activity and pressure definition; BP3 Biodiversity EcosystemStructure and Function; BP4: ES; BP5: Environmental Economic; BP6: Innovative Economy and Finance; BP7:individual and collective action; BP8: Governance; BP9: Conservation and management; BP 10: scenarios and shocktesting; BP 11: GenderTwo shared experience workshops (M3.1, M3.2) will enable the DA partners to identify common approaches to the choice of indicators and proxies; common challenges (for the Baseline assessment); common approaches to the implementation of scenarios (for scenario applications) as well as providing feedback on the structure and function ofthe SES and the guidance documents.

Data Management Plan

Following the FAIR a first version of the DMP (M1.9) will be produced including guidelines on (meta)data standards, vocabularies and quality control procedures, during andafter the project. The harmonisation of (meta-)data formats (syntactic interoperability), temporal and spatial resolution and thematic differences (semantic interoperability) will be carried using agreed templates including those of the INSPIRE Directive as in e.g., EMODnet, LifeWatch and ENVRI-FAIR. The DMP will be a living document updatedthroughout the course of the project and circulated to all partners.

Policy Brief 1

Brief designed for communication with policy makers as to the key outcomes and products of the project, making clear links to relevant policies.

Simple SES design brief

The Marine SABRES Concept will be the initial starting point for a series of workshops with each DA-SG and with the OS-G. The Concept will be used as an organizational tool to identify different information categories (model subsystems). The workshops (M2.2-M2.9) will employ standard interview protocols and participatory modelling techniques such as Fuzzy Cognitive Modelling. Participants of the DA-SGs will articulate and identify the results which will include:- a specification of the “priority components” i.e. the main Activities, Pressures Ecosystem Components and Societal Actors in each DA system. These priority components will be incorporated into the Simple SES by WP3.- an overview of the existing tools, solutions and guidelines, used by policy and by PA and Coastal Zone Managers in each DA. All stakeholders will assess the needs and demands for relevant current or future tools and guidelines. The overview, including the needs and demands for operational tools, will form the basis of the work in WP6.Moreover, the members of the O-SG will review the overviews of all areas to extract the most common and generally applicable types of tools, applications, and solutions, including the common needs and demands and design brief for the Simple SES and Decision Support System. The priority components, DA needs and demands and the overview will comprise D2.1 the Simple SES design brief.

Marine SABRES Information Platform

All project inputs outputs and throughputs will be centralized on a specially created Marine SABRES information platform. This database will be maintained by UCC andhosted using CKAN.

Collation of existing marine SES

Based on the stakeholder generated System Descriptions of priority components and requirements (see D2.1), WP3 will generate a specification to ensure that the Simple SES is robust and sufficiently flexible to incorporate the social and ecological components of each DA and includes the functionality to provide useful and usable for all end users. A rigorous SWOT analysis of existing SES model, literature and past project output will supplement the stakeholder system-descriptions and design briefs to contribute to the development of the Simple SES (D3.1) for application in the DAs.

Practice Abstract for SES Development

Practice Abstract for Social-Ecological-Systems Development for practitioners – this will be developed under Task 3.1 and Task 3.2 and will be submitted to the EIP AGRI Platform using their supplied common format. WP2 will engage local, national, regional as well as international stakeholders to co-design the Simple SES, test and appraise project outputs and ensure consistency and effective stakeholder involvement across DAs. The resulting innovative knowledge from this project (notably, but not exclusively, from WP3 and WP6) will feed into the EIP AGRI (The agricultural European Innovation Partnership) website for broad dissemination to practitioners. The end-user material will be produced in the form of two summaries for practitioners using the EIP common format. MarineSABRES will also submit project details to the platform along with the first Practice Abstract (D3.3) in M16 with a second practice abstract scheduled for Month 44 (D6.4).

Scenarios to reach biodiversity sustainability and climate targets

In this deliverable, we will adapt RCP and SCP scenarios to DA areas to develop a visionfor pathways to transformation based on stakeholder inputs (O-SG, DA-SGs). The scenario development will combine narratives with spatial datasets to capture current and future challenges across sectors. Scenarios will be developed as a series of logical alternatives to support decision making and applications (D5.1).

Project WebTV

The LifeWatch Multimedia Production Centre will create and upload videos, introducing a storytelling approach to communicate the successes and solutions of the project, presented through the narratives of communities local to the DAs. Two kinds of output are planned: 1) A Web TV producing video contents of varying formats (interviews, spots, tutorials, etc.) to be shared via the project's online communication channels and to support education and training activities; and 2) A short documentary telling the story of the projects through the voices of the different stakeholders and beneficiaries involved, to be showcased during the last Blue Sustainability Fair and other project public events, and sent to appropriate festivals and distribution platforms.

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