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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Matching investors and EU funded innovations

Descripción del proyecto

Fortalecer la relación entre inversor e innovador

El Radar de la Innovación, que identifica innovaciones y a innovadores con gran potencial, ya conecta a inversores e innovaciones. Con todo, el reto radica en la falta de entendimiento entre los inversores y los innovadores. Los investigadores carecen de la experiencia o del acceso necesarios para ampliar sus negocios, mientras que los inversores no tienen suficiente información sobre las innovaciones relacionadas con la investigación. Es más, dado que cerca del 50 % de las innovaciones afrontan obstáculos financieros, muchas no llegan al mercado. El objetivo el proyecto INVEST, financiado con fondos europeos, es superar este escollo cerrando la brecha entre los inversores y los proyectos de investigación. Para ello, se emplearán datos del Radar de la Innovación y de terceros, junto con prácticas de diligencia, para aprovechar la información y poner en contacto a innovadores e inversores. Esto resultará en innovaciones listas para los inversores.


The introduction of the Innovation Radar is a great step forward for bringing investors and innovations together. However, it is not enough as there still exists a lack of understanding between the investors and the innovators. Based on the Innovation Radar report , there is a large gap where almost half of all innovations see access to finance as the main bottleneck for bringing their innovation to market.

Currently, investors lack information on new innovations coming from the research initiatives and researchers lack experience and access when it comes to reaching out to investors and scaling up their businesses.

The purpose of this CSA and the mission of INVEST is to overcome this lack of information and bridge the gap between research projects and investors from both sides; hereby significantly increasing the number of new ventures created from EU-funded innovations.

To bring innovators and investors together and to reduce the information disparity, it is crucial to leverage the Innovation Radar data and enrich it with third party data so that innovations and investors become able to find each other and have ways to put this information into perspective when possible (i.e. benchmarking, pattern finding, comparing). To make this connection successfully, innovations need to be investor ready, which will be accomplished through our targeted venture building and tech due diligence activities.

INVEST brings Europe's leading startup data platform together with venture builders and tech dd service providers to create the ideal matchmaking platform that can bring a step change in the number of new ventures created.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 188 600,00
2970 Schilde

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Vlaams Gewest Prov. Antwerpen Arr. Antwerpen
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 188 600,00

Participantes (5)