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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

A European-wide foundation to accelerate Data-driven Cancer Research

Descrizione del progetto

L’Europa unita contro il cancro

La ricerca sul cancro è ampia ma la traduzione delle scoperte chiave in innovazioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche è lenta. È necessario superare la frammentazione esistente, a beneficio dei cittadini europei. Inoltre l’introduzione delle tecnologie di scienza dei dati e di apprendimento automatico per coadiuvare l’analisi di grandi insiemi di dati clinici e molecolari richiede sforzi congiunti da parte di diversi paesi e istituzioni. Per favorire tale cooperazione, il progetto EOSC4Cancer, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di creare un’infrastruttura paneuropea che integri i dati relativi alla ricerca sul cancro e li renda accessibili per un’analisi transfrontaliera. Il progetto combinerà i dati dalla diagnosi al trattamento del paziente, gettando le basi per i futuri progetti sul cancro.


Cancer complex nature requires integration of advanced research data across national boundaries to enable progress. Indeed, the Horizon Europe mission board for cancer has identified access to data, knowledge and digital services - accessible across the European Research Area through federated infrastructures - as a key enabling condition for success. The better we organise cancer data across Europe, the better and faster we can bring the fruits of new biological and technical innovations to the benefit of EU citizens/patients.

EOSC4Cancer will make cancer genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economics data accessible, using and enhancing existing federated and interoperable systems for securely identifying, sharing, processing and reusing FAIR cancer data across borders, and it will offer them via community-driven analysis environments.

EOSC4Cancer provision of well curated datasets will be essential for advanced analytics and computational methods to be reproducible and robust, including machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches. EOSC4Cancer use-cases will cover the patient journey from cancer prevention to diagnosis to treatment, laying the foundation of data trajectories and workflows for future cancer mission projects.

EOSC4Cancer brings together a comprehensive consortium of cancer research centres, research infrastructures, leading research groups, hospitals and supercomputing centres from 14 European countries. To make the developments sustainable, these will be offered as part of the research infrastructures partners services portfolio, in connection with the EOSC ecosystem and to serve the European Cancer Mission, which will be possible via the engagement with large international coalitions, e.g. ICGC-Argo, GA4GH, 1+MG/B1MG, Cancer Core Europe, European Cancer Information System, European Network of Cancer Registries, Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer Joint Action and patients/survivors associations.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 716 573,67
08034 Barcelona

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 716 573,67

Partecipanti (35)

Partner (1)