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This deliverable will synthesize input from task 6.1. and other WPs to compile a succinct state of play that acts as the basis for a gap analysis and the further successive strategy development. Stage 1 will deliver a strategy outline with clearly defined challenges, opportunities, targets and goals to be further developed in the successive stages.
Initial Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Strategy- development of a Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan containing goals, key target audiences, channels and KPIs to assess success. - development of a visual identity that will be applied to all project documents, including templates, a flyer, a roll up and virtual backgrounds to promote the project at relevantevents. - design a project website to serve as the main digital tool for promoting the project, providing key information, as well as news, events and the project’s public deliverables
Liquidity Action Plan.Review of pockets of liquidity across all possible sources of funding, setting out an action plan to (i) allocate the adequate time to review specific financing and investment instruments, (ii) define the information that is required to be obtained and (iii) develop an action plan to seek the information required. The task will highlight the fundamentals of a financeable project.
Report on mining regimes with respect to ESG objectivesThe report on mining regimes will be a product of a country level assessments that the project team will be conducting on the current status of ESG in the mining industry across Africa,in particular in the pilot countries. This report will complement country levels assessment on investment climates by other organizations and other WPs.
State of Play (EU activities)This document will present an overview of relevant EU-funded and African projects and evaluate them regarding their potential synergies with and input for AfricaMaVal. Furthermore, the document will identify key challenges and opportunities and pinpoint established partnerships, respective goals/objectives, relevant online platforms, publications (reports and papers), case studies, positive outcomes, and know pitfalls. BRGM, MADI, EGS will be instrumental here to collect information for relevant African activities. This task will be closely co-coordinated with LGI to avoid unnecessary overlap with WP8.
Pan-African inventory of existing ore processing and refining capacitiesThe inventory of industrial mineral processing units operating in Africa, stored in conveniently structured datasets and, if possible, with economic information on the involved markets, will designed to be an instrument to assess the extension of the value chain of each type of ore, installed on the African continent. Where the information is available, each mineral processing unit will be characterized in detail, taking into consideration the adopted technological solutions and its potential for flexibility concerning the processing of different ores of a certain type. Depending on the geographic proximity and regional metallogeny, the possibilities of using existing industrial units to carry out preliminary pilot tests, enabling the development of new processing projects, will be evaluated.
Project quality plan, case study template, detail Work Plan (Inception Report)The Project Quality Plan describes the requirements and procedural regulations needed for a sound and uniform management of the AfricaMaVal project. It serves as an instruction guide for project partners regarding information management, document publication, quality assurance issues, project organisation, and contact information.
Country profiles of artisanal and small-scale ECRM mine production and processing developmentsSelected country profiles shall be prepared for those African countries that have an artisanal and small-scale mining sector related to significant ECRM production. To the extent possible, the country profiles shall include reported or estimated artisanal and small-scale production or export data for relevant ECRM, combined with context information that is required to assess the plausibility of these data. Where possible, supply chain information shall be added as well. The profiles shall further provide information on the amenability of relevant national mineral deposit types with regards to artisanal exploitation and processing techniques.
The Data Management Plan will follow the requirements of the Horizon Europe DMP template. Guidelines regarding the type and format of the data to be generated and re-used will be written. The metadata will grant the traceability of each data input and will provide the proper information to meet the principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. The DMP will explain which kind of repository will generated, how the data will be shared, and who will be the beneficiaries according to a specific access protocol. The DMP will focus on data security guidelines, including data recovery, secure storage/archiving and transfer of sensitive data.
INSPIRE compliant data set of Pan-African inventory of the known CRM depositsProviding an INSPIRE-compliant accurate (as far as possible) inventory of: (i) the non-energy, mineral raw materials deposits and where possible distinguishing between active and abandoned deposits; and (ii) incorporating, where possible, available mineral resource/reserve data.
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