Gemeinsame Anstrengungen für klimaneutrale intelligente Städte
Der Übergang zur Klimaneutralität in der modernen Gesellschaft muss eine gemeinsame Anstrengung von Interessengruppen, Verantwortlichen der Politik und Bevölkerung sein. In diesem Zusammenhang soll das EU-finanzierte Projekt CRAFT die Aufgabe unterstützen, klimaneutrale intelligente Städte zu schaffen. Es wird den Schwerpunkt der städtischen Interessengruppen auf die Klimaneutralität verlagern, indem es den Kunst-, Kreativ- und Kultursektor,die Gemeinden sowie Bürgerinnen und Bürger zusammenbringt, um gemeinsam auf einen effizienten Übergang hinzuarbeiten. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird ein Orientierungspaket entwickelt und umgesetzt, das den Städten Modelle und Instrumente für eine kollaborative lokale Governance an die Hand gibt und so einen harmonischen Wandel und eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit europäischen MINKT-Universitäten fördert.
The CrAFt project will place the transition to climate neutrality at the heart of urban stakeholders. We will support the Mission Board on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and the H2020 LC-GD-1-2-2020 one-stop platform in designing and deploying Climate City Contracts, based on experience-based knowledge from CrAFt’s 3 Sandbox Cities (Bologna, Prague and Amsterdam) and 70 Reference Cities engaged in testing and sharing knowledge together with cultural, artistic and creative sectors, property owners and tenants, and citizens and communities. We will deliver a “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Guidance Package: NEB Edition” featuring at least 160 collaborative local governance models, tools, examples or stories. This will be supported by a NEB-inspired impact model that helps cities to harness the value of inclusiveness, aesthetics and sustainability, as understood within the local contexts of their city, in their transformation towards climate neutrality, in at least 80 local emblematic projects. More than 30 European universities and schools of arts and design will be engaged in supporting their local cities, with more than 100 students engaged in STEAM teams, internships and local capacity building. We will deliver at least 6 policy briefs informing European policy and programmes about the learnings of these activities, and a storytelling campaign to co-create positive and inclusive narratives towards climate-neutral futures, for, with and by citizens and communities. Together, we will create actionable, climate-neutral futures across Europe by supporting the deployment of NEB-inspired collaborative local governance models, leaving no one, and no place, behind.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility Main Programme
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7491 Trondheim