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The European Biodiversity Partnership

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Biodiversa-plus (The European Biodiversity Partnership)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2023-05-31

Biodiversa+ is the European co-funded biodiversity partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for policy and society. Biodiversa+ is part of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 that aims to put Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030. It aims to connect science, policy and practice for transformative change, gathering 81 research funders and environmental policy actors from 37 European and associated countries to work on 5 main objectives:
1. Plan and support research and innovation on biodiversity through a shared strategy, annual joint calls for research projects and capacity building activities
2. Set up a network of harmonised schemes to improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe
3. Contribute to high-end knowledge for deploying Nature-based Solutions and valuation of biodiversity in the private sector
4. Ensure efficient science-based support for policy-making and implementation in Europe
5. Strengthen the relevance and impact of pan-European research on biodiversity in a global context
Delivering on these ambitious objectives requires implementation of a portfolio of activities, structured around the following workstreams:
● WP1: Promote and support R&I.
The Partnership aims to launch at least 6 co-funded joint research calls with an ambition of over 245 M€ (in cash) in total.Highlights during this reporting period include the launch of two calls (BiodivProtect, and BiodivMon), each with a total budget of over 40 Mio€. In addition, we organised successful kick-off and clustering meetings as well as a data management workshop for the BiodivProtect projects; dedicated webinars on the calls;and updated the guidance on open science and data management.
● WP2 Building a transnational network of harmonised biodiversity monitoring schemes.
Highlights include good mobilisation of Partners & relevant organisations by sharing of best practices, active learning, capacity building. This was implemented through interviews, and >10 workshops and collaborations with EuropaBON, GBIF, EEA and KCBD. We also launched and successfully implemented 3 biodiversity monitoring pilots, and produced >5 usable reports promoting transnational biodiversity monitoring across Europe.
● WP3: Promote implementation of NBS and valuation of biodiversity in the private sector.
Highlights include activities providing key inputs to the Biodiversa+ programming, including an NBS R&I workshop and development of aEuropean Roadmap to 2030 for R&I on NBS. Activities conducted in relation to business & biodiversity include preparations for the Business & Biodiversity workshop, and development of a guide on the European R&I landscape on business and biodiversity.
● WP4: Better connect R&I to policy.
Highlights include the organisation of a dialogue event on transformative change feeding the related Flagship Programme activities, launching 3 desk studies feeding the NBS Flagship Programme, organisation of a very successful Science - Policy forum on the Global Biodiversity Framework, and support to the set-up of two Knowledge Hubs.
● WP5: Internationalisation of European R&I.
Highlights in this reporting period include the implementation of collaborations with IPBES (e.g. dialogue events), CBD (GBF forum), GBIF, Belmont Forum), development of collaboration strategies including with MEAs and IPBES, and an overarching internationalisation strategy
● WP 6: Communication and open science.
Highlights include the setup of the communications framework of Biodiversa+, launch of the new Biodiversa+ website, the production of an animated video, organisation of press briefings, and frequent online communications (social media posts, newsletters, website news and more).
● WP7: Stakeholder Engagement.
We use approaches ensuring collaborative and inclusive engagement with stakeholders at all relevant levels and sectors.Highlights include the set-up of the Biodiversa+ Advisory Board and Stakeholder Board s; set-up of key collaborations (EuropaBON and Alternet), co-organisation of the Alternet Summer school, and the launch of the Biodiversa+ Biome.
● WP 8 and WP 9: Activities guided by a common vision and roadmap.
Highlights include the update and technical upgrade of the Biodiversa+ programme/project database, and RI database; the launch of the Biodiversa+ SRIA; set-up of the Biodiversa+ KPI monitoring framework; strategic engagements with other Partnerships; development of two annual workplans and submission of the 2nd instalment proposal. In addition, the Chairs’ team ensured representation in 50+ partner events.
Through its membership and governance, the Partnership is promoting tighter collaboration between national/local and European policy makers in charge of biodiversity and related issues, including environmental agencies, R&I policy makers and R&I programme funders. The Partnership also provides an overarching platform fostering seamless collaboration and exchange amongst relevant actors (scientific community, public authorities, businesses, citizens, societal actors, NGOs etc.) at appropriate levels and scales. This in turn helps and supports citizens, policy makers and businesses in taking adequate action at European, national and local level. The Partnership is building critical mass in capacity, resources and expertise across countries/EU, across R&I and monitoring, and across science/society/policy, which reaches far beyond the achievements of traditional actions through national or Framework Programmes. The Partnership will also further increase synergies between existing initiatives to avoid duplication, validate previous investments and harness existing expertise.
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