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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advanced Manufacturing assistance and training for SME Transformation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ADMA TranS4MErs (Advanced Manufacturing assistance and training for SME Transformation)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2023-03-31

Advancements in manufacturing sector are essential for addressing the challenging market demands while keeping strict compliance to regulations and quality standards. The changing market demands adoption of newer technologies and tools to help manufacturing companies take informed decisions that would essentially decide their market share. Manufacturing SMEs are essentially the life of any nation; SMEs contribute to more than 50% of the EU’s economy, supporting and enabling a huge workforce, creating jobs and sustaining the balance of the society.

While the bigger manufacturing companies adopt to changing market conditions easily by utilising their infrastructural capacity and higher cash flow capability, the manufacturing SMEs often struggle to keep up with these changing demands. The majority of such SMEs are traditional manufacturing SMEs and these companies find it hard to steer in the right direction to become the Factories of the Future. ADMA TranS4MErs programme is designed specifically to help such manufacturing SMEs who are enthusiastic about becoming Factories of the Future but require guidance to reach that transformation goal.

The ADMA TranS4MErs programme helps SMEs to analyse their current market status by evaluating them under 7 different transformational areas (such as Digital factories, Human-centred organisation etc.), and creating a compare and contrast chart against the market benchmark for each of the transformational area. Furthermore, our certified TranS4MErs (a field expert from an area of SME’s choice) will provide consultation for the SME explaining the evaluation results. The TranS4MEr, after understanding the SME’s vision and the areas of improvement from ADMA TranS4MErs Advanced Maturity Scan, will then create a tailor-made transformation plan for the SME to advance towards becoming a Factory of the Future. The selected SMEs (based on the transformation plan merit) will then be provided with additional funding to utilise the services provided in the xChange platform to advance towards the end goal of becoming a Factory of the Future.

The ADMA TranS4MErs programme aims to support 1000+ such SMEs in 27 nations across Europe, engaging 400+ TranS4MErs and service providers across Europe, using a one-stop flagship xChange platform.
During the first reporting period the following results are achieved:

Key KPIs achieved
1. 197 SMEs onboarded the programme and is in various stages of their transformation journey
2. 28 xChange events conducted by various partners in EU-27
3. 202 active TranS4MErs on the platform

Key Functionalities achieved
1. A fully functional and stable programme platform
2. Fully functional and stable process for allotting Quality mark to TranS4MErs and Service Providers, ensuring quality of service.
3. A well defined xChange event methodology
4. Improved strategy for second open call for onboarding SMEs with reduced wait times and improved user experience.
5. Multiple interactive dashboards to monitor the stakeholder journey within the programme (helping the consortium to understand the pain points of SMEs and engage in helping them appropriately on time)
6. Method to track and monitor the SME demand based on the service uptake and service requests on the xChange platform
ADMA TranS4MErs programme aims to connect and support 1000+ SMEs across EU-27. The program intends to add 423 TranS4MErs (experts in different transformational areas identified by the AMDA methodology), to support the SMEs with consultation to create tailor-made transformation plans helping them to achieve the end goal of the program to transform SMEs across EU-27 to become Factories of Future. Furthermore the programme also aims to build connections with other EU programmes disseminating and exploiting the results of ADMA TranS4MErs program such as methodology, the xChange platform offering services and the state of the art Advanced Maturity Scan to evaluate the SMEs current market positioning in relation to the seven transformational areas identified in the ADMA methodology. The learning loops incorporated in the programme will ensure that the programme keeps continuous evolution model based on the feedback received from the stakeholders that comprises of SMEs, TranS4MErs and the Service Providers.

ADMA TranS4MErs programme in the long run intends to become a one-stop solution to any SMEs that wish to advance towards Factories of Future by creating a ecosystem of SMEs, TranS4MErs and Service providers, making available various support services that could help the SMEs advance towards the goal of being the Factory of the Future. The platform will also serve as the data point that analyses the demand within the SMEs in various geographical locations, providing insights to other programmes on the key transformational areas and services that are in demand. Hence the programme will serve as being the voice-of-the-customer for other similar programmes. This will ensure that even outside the programme, ADMA TranS4MErs will continue influencing the digital transformation of SMEs aligning the SMEs in various programmes to achieve the goal of Digital Europe. This methodology and vision will in-turn help the SMEs evolve with the changing market demands, indirectly supporting job generation and improving competitive edge for European SMEs.