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Integrated Technological and Information Platform for wildfire Management

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SILVANUS (Integrated Technological and Information Platform for wildfire Management)

Período documentado: 2021-10-01 hasta 2023-03-31

What is the problem/issue being addressed?
The SILVANUS project aims to address the problem of forest fires and their impact on the environment and communities. Forest fires pose significant threats to ecosystems, biodiversity, and human lives, and they can have devastating consequences on a global scale. The project seeks to develop a forest management platform that tackles the ignition and spread of forest fires by implementing innovative capabilities and technologies. It aims to address the challenges of resource utilization, wildfire prevention, and protection against global wildfire threats. By enhancing forest monitoring, evaluating biodiversity, and generating accurate fire risk indicators, SILVANUS aims to provide a solution that promotes environmental sustainability and climate resilience in forest management.

Why is it important for society?
Environmental Preservation: By preventing and combating forest fires, SILVANUS contributes to the preservation and conservation of these valuable natural resources, ensuring their long-term sustainability for future generations.
Climate Resilience: By addressing the ignition and spread of forest fires, SILVANUS helps mitigate the effects of climate change and promotes climate resilience by preserving carbon sinks and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Protection of Lives and Property: By developing innovative capabilities and technologies, SILVANUS aims to improve fire prevention, early detection, and firefighting efforts. This will help protect communities, reduce the loss of life, and minimize the destruction of infrastructure and property caused by forest fires.
Efficient Resource Utilization: By optimizing resource allocation and management practices, the project aims to minimize waste and maximize the sustainable utilization of forest resources. This contributes to the overall economic efficiency and long-term viability of forest ecosystems.
Collaboration and Awareness: SILVANUS promotes collaboration between environmental, technology, and social science experts, as well as regional and national authorities. This collaboration enhances the ability to monitor forest resources, evaluate biodiversity, and generate accurate fire risk indicators. Furthermore, the project aims to raise awareness among citizens through safety campaigns, promoting a culture of safety and responsible forest management.

What are the overall objectives?
The objective is to implement and validate the SILVANUS sustainable forest management platform and methodologies for monitoring and protecting natural resources in the fight against extreme wildfire. The technical and scientific innovation will develop novel methodologies in monitoring and analysing ecological growth of natural resources to complement the analysis of biodiversity models. The environmental monitoring framework developed within SILVANUS will be supplemented with cuttingedge technologies for the early-stage detection and response coordination of wildfire. Finally, the SILVANUS platform will offer support for rehabilitation, restoration, and adaptation of natural forest growth.
We were doing literature surveys about biodiversity variables, ecological resilience variables, and other related studies. Field surveys were conducted in the selected pilot areas. Therefore, to collect other supported data, we had done stakeholder surveys from the pilot areas. The result consists of a discussion of the rehabilitation and restoration program in the pilot area being analyzed with the literature review.

The Open Forest map is under development, and the multispectral image data pre-processing such as calculating NDVI, NBR, and FCD has been carried out and tested. The application is also designed to integrate with some third-party data sources such as gross national product (GDP) and population density still needs more coordination with responsible partners responsible for data preparation.  

The prototype of social media sensing has been provided, and it is ready for testing. The current accuracy of classification still needs improvement both in classification results and location and time recognition.  

The prediction of forest fire probability is ready for testing, however, we still rely on third-party Geographics information systems software for data pre-processing. Currently, the testing is carried out in one pilot area. We still working with our own code for data processing tasks and for future generalization to other pilot locations. The fire probability and resource allocation priority have been calculated as the output of this application. The integration to the Silvanus user interface platform still undergoing discussion with the responsible partner for visualization.   

We also presented the Silvanus project work in the EU Green Week 2022.
The result provides a contribution to the community and the forest owner/manager who is facing the Phase C. Rehabilitation and restoration program that was discussed in the result might enrich the knowledge of the community and forest owner/manager in case of program variability that was implemented in the different forest type. Hopefully, it becomes an image for the forest owner/ manager and the community in making the suitable move in Phase C, after the fire. The decision support system that will be provided in the Open Forest Map might become an input for making the rehabilitation and restoration regulation.

Open Forest Map is expected to be an application where the general public can observe the historical forest growth, fire incident, and its effect and also rehabilitation impact on the forest condition over time. Since forest growth is not a short-time process, observation of the long history of the forest is expected to better understand the forest behavior.  

Social media sensing in a whole application integrated with other partners has potential impacts on the new ways of detecting forest fires using big data analytics. In the future, along with the growing intensity of social media usage, the application will definitely play an important role in detection tasks and prevention as well as minimizing forest fire impact.  

Prediction of forest fire probability as the input of informed decision making together with other methods of fire risk prediction can be combined and complement each other to improve the decision of stakeholders in forest fire prevention. It can be implemented not only for the pilot project under Silvanus but also for any area in the world. This approach is also tolerant to data unavailability with the risk of lower prediction accuracy.  

Lesson learn from Indonesia Pilot in managing wildfire management.

Some scientific publications in international conferences and reputed international journals.
Pilot Visit to Palangkaraya Kalimantan Indonesia
Paper CBMI 2022
Example FCD Calculation
Open Forest Map Design
Pilot Visit to Sampit Kalimantan Indonesia
Data Fusion User Interface
Indonesia Pilot Scenario
Paper ICITISEE 2022
Paper ICOIACT 2022
Open Forest Map Concept
Open Forest Map UI Design 1
Data Fusion Concept
Multilingual Social Media Sensing
Open Forest Map UI Design 2
Ecological Framework