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Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition


Living Labs communication strategy

In a codesign process with the 8 LLs local communication plans will be developed defining the local target groups and materials and tools to be realised to reach them Related to T52 Second version at M18

Evaluation of available sensing technology and tools

This deliverable results from the output of T133 and includes the review of stateofart sensing technology and applications to evaluate human environmental impacts and recommendations for its use in ICHANGE LLs

I-CHANGE Environmental Impact Hub Architecture

This document reports the I-CHANGE EIH architecture and its relationship with Living Labs and relevant global and European initiatives on data sharing including GEO, EuroGEO, WMO, Copernicus, ESA, etc. and future development of strategic initiatives as those foreseen in the European Strategy for Data. Output of Task 4.1.

Guidelines to promote the engagement and awareness rising of citizens

This report will provide a synthesis of the drivers motivating the engagement and awareness rising of citizens from a systematic review of existing scientific literature This is an output from T121

Communication and dissemination strategy

This report will define the communication plan and strategy and establish impact measurement instruments and strategies for their success It will also comprise a design guide depicting the branding and visual language the project will use The strategy will be updated twice throughout the project Output of T51 Updates at M18 and M42

Impact of behavioral changes on global and local climate

This report will contain information on how the implementation of behavioral changes will mitigate climate change, most of all in terms of reduction of the impacts of extreme weather events. This is an output from T3.3.2.

Tools to analyse and evaluate carbon and environmental footprint

This deliverable results from the output of T132 It includes the analysis of existing tools in relation to the assessment of lifestyles using the MultiCriteria Decision Analysis approach

Evaluation framework for the analysis of behavioral changes

This deliverable provides an interdisciplinary tool for evaluating lifestyle changes based on COMB Theory of Change based on T131

Prototype of fully integrated behavioral simulator

The report will include the description of the models developed to simulate the personal behavior This deliverable is an output of T31

Global and local challenges related with climate change and socio-economic and cultural context

This report will highlight the challenges faced by the LL target cities both regarding climate change and its impacts and to the specific socioeconomic and cultural contexts in order to build the base profile specific to each target city This is an output of T11

Local implementation plans for each partner city

These plans will give guidelines on cocreation and uptaking of the designed interventions in each partner city This Deliverable is an output of T221

European and local perspective on participatory research

This report will provide the results of social media analysis on participatory research and of mapping previous citizen science initiatives The report will also include an analysis of perception of risks derived from the impact of climate change and extreme events from citizens especially in the ICHANGE target cities This is an output of T122

Methodological guide for citizen engagement in Living Labs in I-CHANGE with the description of learning platform

This report is an output of T142 and T143 that instructs all partners on how to implement the LL approach and citizen science activities and describes the platform that assists all partners in their knowledge sharing and colearning

Business plan

This report is an output of T611 including a strategy for the exploitation of results to maximize the projects impact but also exploitation plans for individual partners and a market analysis and an estimation on cost of setup and maintenance for developed services as well as possible revenue streams following the business model canvas Updates at M18 and M42

Framework for monitoring tools for I-CHANGE citizen science activities

This report will describe the requirements for the smartphone applications and lowcost devicessensing tools used in citizen science initiatives for an effective engagement of citizens This Deliverable is an output of T222

I-CHANGE Environmental Impact Hub Interfaces Documentation

This deliverable documents the interfaces (standard interfaces and/or Application Programming Interfaces) exposed by the I-CHANGE EIH to users and, in particular, to application developers for the development of applications using the EIH, with particular reference to the Dashboard. This deliverable is an output of T4.3. Second version at M30

Assessment of risks and potentials concerning the engagement of stakeholders and citizens

This report will highlight nontechnical barriers to the Living Labs and the engagement of citizens in the 8 cities This Deliverable is an output of T21

Ethical guide

This deliverable provides ethical guidelines to be followed by research partners when dealing with citizens as an output of T141

Guidebook on ethics requirements

This document provides a guide to the Consortium and it ensures the application of fundamental ethical principles and legislation to all phases of the ICHANGE scientific research The document will be in line with the ethics deliverables that will be placed in in the Grant Agreement and in an automatically generated WP called Ethics requirements after the project starts

Special focus on LLs experience in near-EU countries

This report will describe the strategies and leverages to expand the Living Lab experience in a broader context with a special focus on the nearEuropean countries This Deliverable is an output of T22

Project website

The ICHANGE website will be the main dissemination tool of the project providing all the necessary information on activities and results The website will link to all other tools and channels developed throughout the project The website will be updated regularly according to the development of project activities Related to T51

Audio-Visual Media

This deliverable contains 1 project video M6 5 short animated videos M12 10 quick fire interviews M12 M24 5 infographics M24 and a documentary of the LL M36 to support the project communication and the social media communication and the Climate Action Training Schools as well as the dissemination and exploitation of results Related to T53 Updates at M12 M24 and M36

Implementation and update of an app for carbon and environmental footprint

The app to calculate the carbon and environmental footprint will be released in two stages, an initial stage version and an updated final version. This is an output from T4.4.1. Second version at M42

Implementation of citizens-tailored apps for environmental and weather monitoring

This deliverable will realies the citizens applications with the added value of testing and assessment of robustness, and user-friendliness in the very diverse and complementing set of I-CHANGE LLs. This is an output from T4.4.2. Second version at M42

Data management plan

This report is the Data Management Plan for research data generated by I-CHANGE according to the 'FAIR' principles as reported in EC guidelines. It guarantees full compliance with the main driving regulatory documents addressing data protection, privacy and security. This deliverable is an output of T7.5. Updates at M24 and M42


Winter snow deficit was a harbinger of summer 2022 socio-hydrologic drought in the Po Basin, Italy

Autorzy: Francesco Avanzi, Francesca Munerol, Massimo Milelli, Simone Gabellani, Christian Massari, Manuela Girotto, Edoardo Cremonese, Marta Galvagno, Giulia Bruno, Umberto Morra di Cella, Lauro Rossi, Marco Altamura & Luca Ferraris
Opublikowane w: Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 2024, ISSN 2662-4435
Wydawca: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s43247-024-01222-z

The role of the Near East surface pressure variations in recent past trends of wet season precipitation in the Levant

Autorzy: Simon O. Krichak, Pinhas Alpert
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Climatology, 2022, ISSN 1477-870x
Wydawca: Royal Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1002/joc.7632

High-Resolution Humidity Observations Based on Commercial Microwave Links (CML) Data—Case of Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area

Autorzy: Yoav Rubin, Shira Sohn and Pinhas Alpert
Opublikowane w: Remote Sensing, 2023, ISSN 2072-4292
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs15020345

Phytoplankton spring bloom in the NW Mediterranean Sea under climate change

Autorzy: Grossi, F., Lagasio, M., Napoli, A., Provenzale, A., & Tepsich, P
Opublikowane w: Science of Total Environment, 2024, ISSN 0048-9697
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.169884

Altitudinal dependence of projected changes in occurrence of extreme events in the Great Alpine Region

Autorzy: Anna Napoli; Antonio Parodi; Jost von Hardernberg; Claudia Pasquero
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Climatology, Numer 1, 2023, ISSN 0899-8418
Wydawca: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/joc.8222

On the Private and Social Incentives of Environmental CSR Practices in a Monopoly Industry

Autorzy: Luca Lambertini, Alessandro Tampieri
Opublikowane w: Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, ISSN 0959-6526
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139036

Performance Evaluation of MeteoTracker Mobile Sensor for Outdoor Applications

Autorzy: Francesco Barbano; Erika Brattich; Carlo Cintolesi; Abdul Ghafoor Nizamani; Silvana Di Sabatino; Massimo Milelli; Esther E. M. Peerlings; Sjoerd Polder; Gert-Jan Steeneveld; Antonio Parodi
Opublikowane w: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Numer 4, 2024, Strona(/y) 3255–3278, ISSN 1867-8548
Wydawca: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/amt-2023-256

Water and Us: tales and hands-on laboratories to educate about sustainable and nonconflictual water resources management

Autorzy: Munerol, F., Avanzi, F., Panizza, E., Altamura, M., Gabellani, S., Polo, L., Mantini, M., Alessandri, B., and Ferraris, L.
Opublikowane w: Geoscience Communication, 2024, ISSN 2569-7110
Wydawca: European Geosciences Union
DOI: 10.5194/gc-7-1-2024

I-CHANGE Living Labs to promote citizen participation in change of individual habits in a context of Climate Change: a joint vision through their implementation plans

Autorzy: L. Esbrí, M.C. Lasat, M. Llasat-Botija, R. Marcos, E. Pardo, E. Peerlings, G.-J. Steeneveld, F. Barbano, E. Brattich, T. Carlones, C. Cintolesi, S. Di Sabatino, S. Tondini, A. Mölter, F. Munerol, A. Parodi, L. Polo, M. Adnan, P. Alpert, Y. Rubin, B. Mohamadou, S. Salack, M. A. Sawadogo
Opublikowane w: 9th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed), Numer 22-24 May 2023, 2023
Wydawca: 9th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)

Developing and testing a validation procedure to successfully use on-the-move sensors in urban environments

Autorzy: Francesco Barbano, Erika Brattich, Carlo Cintolesi, Juri Iurato, Vincenzo Mazzarella, Massimo Milelli, Abdul Ghafoor Nizamani, Maryam Sarfraz, Antonio Parodi, and Silvana Di Sabatino
Opublikowane w: EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023
Wydawca: EGU General Assembly 2023
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14459

Large-Eddy Simulations of Nature-Based Solutions effectivness in pollutant removal from urban canyons

Autorzy: Silvana Di Sabatino, Carlo Cintolesi
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes

A comparative analysis between two pluvial flood events in Barcelona (Spain). An example of a success story

Autorzy: María Carmen Llasat, Blanca Aznar, Laura Esbrí, Tomeu Rigo, Oriol Grima, Heidi Kreibich
Opublikowane w: EGU General Assembly 2022, Numer 23–27 May 2022, 2022
Wydawca: EGU General Assembly 2022
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6604

Impacts of an evaportating waterbody in urban fabric through CFD simulations

Autorzy: Carlo Cintolesi, Petros Ampatzidis, Andrea Petronio, Silvana Di Sabatino
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: 21st International conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO21)

The urban climate of Amsterdam -Results of 10 years Amsterdam Atmospheric Monitoring Supersite.

Autorzy: Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Clara Keuken, Bert Heusinkveld, Oscar Hartogensis, Aristofanis Tsiringakis, Esther Peerlings, Harro Jongen, Jaap van der Kolk
Opublikowane w: NACGEO conference, 23-24 March 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2023
Wydawca: Dutch Science Foundation

The urban climate of Amsterdam -Results of 10 years Amsterdam Atmospheric Monitoring Supersite.

Autorzy: Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Clara Keuken, Bert Heusinkveld, Oscar Hartogensis, Aristofanis Tsiringakis, Esther Peerlings, Harro Jongen, Jaap van der Kolk
Opublikowane w: NACGEO conference, 23-24 March 2023, Utrecht, Netherlands, Numer 6, 2023
Wydawca: NACGEO

From scientific knowledge to individual change of habits: the Barcelona Living Lab on extreme events

Autorzy: Llasat M. C., Llasat-Botija M., Marcos R., Esbrí L., Racionero S., Rigo T., Gilabert J., and Corbera J.
Opublikowane w: 17th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Numer 18–21 Oct 2022, 2022
Wydawca: 17th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-plinius17-13

Hot weather impacts on urban indoor air temperature assessed through citizen science observations in the Netherlands.

Autorzy: E.E.M. Peerlings, G.J. Steeneveld
Opublikowane w: 2023
Wydawca: European Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7886

Cocreation of a Living Lab as a tool to deal with extreme events and improve Climate Change mitigation and adaptation: The Barcelona Living Lab on extreme events

Autorzy: Esbrí L., Llasat-Botija M., Marcos R., Pardo E., Racionero S., Llasat M. C.
Opublikowane w: EGU General Assembly 2023, Numer 24–28 Apr 2023, 2023
Wydawca: EGU General Assembly 2023
DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9793

Obiettivo Clima. Progetto Europeo Fondazione CIMA e UIF

Autorzy: Unione Italiana Fotoamatori
Opublikowane w: Obiettivo Liguria. La fotografia amatoriale in Liguria. Notiziario dell'Associazione Culturale Digit Art in Foto, 2023, Strona(/y) 3-14
Wydawca: Unione Italiana Fotoamatori

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