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100 MW Green hydrogen production in a replicable and scalable industrial hosting environment

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GreenHyScale (100 MW Green hydrogen production in a replicable and scalable industrial hosting environment)

Période du rapport: 2021-10-01 au 2023-03-31

The overall objective of GreenHyScale is thus, to pave the way for large scale deployment of electrolysis on-shore as well as off-shore, in line with both EU strategies. GreenHyScale will demonstrate minimum 100 MW of green electrolysis based on a novel multi-MW electrolyser platform operated in a unique hosting environment at GreenLab Skive (GLABS), and capable of replication across Europe with the associated economic growth and job creation. The project will show the benefits of green electrolysis, in a replicable business model, accelerating the new green economy throughout Europe and worldwide.To conduct the work needed to accomplish the project objectives the project consortium (All members of the project) is made of experts (WP´s) from commercial companies, universities and research centres, Energy sectors and more. All WP´s have a team to conduct the specified work divided in tasks, deliverables, and milestones. e.g.

WP1 Lay a basis for GreenHyScale project by providing the analysis of previous projects in order to extract good practices for this 100 MW green hydrogen demonstration. WP1 also gives an overview on the requirements and possibilities for the 100 MW electrolyser production systems.
WP2 Provide the planning and control platform at the global plant level, with full
integration to the RES inputs and grid services, the delivery facilities. Improvement of the platform
WP3 Providing the development of the GHS’s 6MW pressurized alkaline electrolyser platform. The work in WP3 includes completion of multiphysics modelling, component testing, mechanical design, safety concept, control system and approval documentation for the MW alkaline electrolyser platform as well as procurement of parts, manufacturing and testing of a 6 MW prototype.
WP4 Aims at developing an enhanced electrolyser module for offshore use based on the current GHS product portfolio.
WP5 Aims to facilitate the work necessary to plan and prepare the physical site activities including the actual plans and necessary approvals. This work package also addresses the business plan for the project including investment and funding
WP6 Aims at demonstrating the capability of installing and operating a large-scale Renewable Energy Sources based electrolysis production site where the operation of the facility will provide continuous insights on how to enhance this operation.
WP7 Has the primary objective of the evaluation of the sustainability-related significance of the project, taking into account the interplay between different factors such as environmental, techno-economic, social, and policy perspectives
WP8 Aims at paving the way towards the European target of 510 GW of green hydrogen production capacity by 2050
WP9 Focuses on communication, dissemination and knowledge sharing activities in order to maximize the GreenHyScale project’s visibility and impact
WP10 Is the overall coordination, the administrative, financial and contractual management of the GreenHyScale project.
The GreenHyScale consortium has achcieved significant results during this first reporting period. Work that includes analysis of previous projects in order to extract good practices for this 100 MW green hydrogen demonstration, and thereby set the path for the further project execution. Other accomplishments are also worth mentioning;
Planning the control platform at a global plant level, with the integration to the RES (Renewable Energy Sources) ensuring 100% renewable energy to the electrolyser and thereby 100% green hydrogen.
The preparation and construction of the 6MW test site including authority approvals and permitting.
The development, delivery, and installation of the 6MW prototype electrolyser unit of which is now undergoing the final steps in the commissioning phase and will soon be ready for full deployment. Taking into consideration that at the time of production of the unit, we stood against a significant global disturbance in supply chains, it was a great accomplishment to complete and deliver the unit with only 6-month delay. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the first section of the Greenlab A/S distribution infrastructure (HysymbiosisNet) has also started and will be completed in time, to distribute the hydrogen from the 6MW test unit to a local partner who will use the hydrogen in their process of making proteins. The first stage of the SymbiosisNet has already been completed and is supplying the 6MW prototype unit with utilities such as Demi-Water, Nitrogen, and instrument air.

The planning for the second phase of the project (100MW commercial units) is also an undergoing process of which includes obtaining permits, site maturing and the overall EPC work, Electrolyser development and supply, utility upscaling etc. Work which has started, but within the preparation phase. To succeed with a full scale 100MW electrolyser unit on a commercial level, relay inevitably on the number and volume of off-takers who will purchase and process the vas volume of hydrogen a 100MW electrolyser plant can produce. The task of finding these off-takers has shown to be more complex than first anticipated. Nevertheless, the work and progress continue towards achieving the goal of reducing the European CO2 emission and supplying Europe with clean, green and sustainable hydrogen.

To understand the impact on the society, of such a leap into the green transition, and how it effects e.g. local communities, the environment, political landscape and the techno-economic , the project team will also focus their research on this topic together with the mapping towards the European target of 510 GW of green hydrogen production capacity by 2050, including an elaboration of alternative replicability of the electrolyser plants, provide grid services modeling, to other high-potential location where this technology will take place with additional focus on the commercial development of both onshore and high-pressure offshore technologies.

The daily project management has been the Centerpoint and anchor for the project so far and will continue to be until the project completion. The task of project management have led to the production of both general project overview but also very detailed and considerate project execution plans with the effect of leading the team in progress and completion of the test site and soon the phase 1 in the project. Managing and coordinating between the different team members and insuring their timely input to the data required by the European Council has been done both by Greenlab with the support of EuroQuality.
The potential off takers represented in the initiation phase of the project, has not committed to any offtake agreements within WP5. The process of committing new offtakes has not been as successful as first indicated, where several major companies showed interest in being offtakes. This is due to the market maturation or the lack of so.
To verify the produced hydrogen quality, match the requirements of end-users and ensuring the proper integration to SymbiosisNet™ a project was initiated together with Greenlab, GHS and partners outside the GreenHyScale project. The project objective is to use the produced hydrogen from the 6MW prototype unit in the reactor at a factory on-site in GreenLab, instead of airing the hydrogen to the atmosphere.