Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OLGA (Holistic & Green Airports)
Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-03-31
WP2 (Transport: Landside, access and multimodal connection): Data collection and analysis on the existing transport services in Paris CDG, Zagreb, Cluj and Milan have been performed. Software for planning city bus transport electrification for airports and gravitational area is being developed, as well as multi-modal data management platform. Data from different sources have been collected and analysed for the development of multi-modal optimization algorithms. Benchmark study on passengers’ rail-air inter-modality for all four airports is under progress. Different solutions for cargo transport are being developed for Malpensa.
WP3 (Transport airside): 10 projects and 2 replications have been activated, aiming at decarbonising airside operations and most are independent. APU OFF has been completed with excellent results. GSE's electric repowering, the optimisation of charging points, the supervision of aircraft stands, the Taxibot POC, etc. are producing very encouraging initial results.
WP4 (Terminal area): Wide range of projects have started actively (research of reduction in energy consumption, reducing CO2 content in different materials used for airport construction, biodiversity IT tool development, improving waste management, etc.). Participation to conferences and meetings to disseminate preliminary conclusions and 2 articles were published in various newspapers.
WP5 (Energy, Hydrogen): Production and use of energy. Two represent the current alternative to fossil fuels: biomethane produced from organic waste in Cluj, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel, the use will be maximized through the development of a method to ensure the traceability of SAF along the value chain. The third, hydrogen, future alternative to fossil fuels.
WP6 (Energy, Hydrogen): Developed initial software platforms to assist airports better understand the air quality impacts of airport emissions and to facilitate scenario testing. These include prototype interactive data exchange platform and dashboard interfaced with a complex dispersion model. Transfer of knowledge and tools to Partner Airports to facilitate their understanding of airport air quality. The continued measurement of regulated pollutants at fixed sites at Paris CDG and the establishment of high-fidelity monitoring campaigns to provide new insights into aircraft emissions. The development of an airport marketplace for the reuse of airport equipment.
WP7 (Communication, dissemination and cross‐fertilisation): Work on communication, dissemination and cross-fertilisation, establishing the communication and dissemination strategies and guidelines. Develop OLGA branding and shape the key messages with the purpose of introducing the project to the civil society, media and the target groups. Activities for engagement with the audiences were carried out, including tools (website, social media, videos, leaflets, publications, campaigns) and events.
WP8 (Exploitation and Technology Transfer): Focused on delivering and structuring appropriate information regarding the innovation exploitation process and IPR management. An initial Exploitation Plan was designed and some Key Exportable Results captured in a Catalogue. First steps towards green airports certification checklist were developed around H2.
WP9 (Project Management and common IT framework): Coordinate, monitor and implement the necessary measures for the achievement of OLGA objectives on time, within the allocated budget and according to high quality standards, the coordination team has implemented different tools, methodologies and actions (meetings, amendments, reporting, etc.) to ensure the smooth running of the project within scope, time and budget.
WP10 (Ethics): Ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set by the European Commission. The ethical and gender issues are regularly monitored (H, POPD and EPQ).
WP2: Optimization of airport landside connectivity (e-bus, H2, bio-fuel, railway) for PAX and cargo traffic using different software and hardware solutions, environmental impact (less CO2, less waste) and socio-economic (better mobility for passengers, less congestions and delays).
WP3: Airside, environmental impact with measures: reducing CO2 emissions through the electrification of GSE, deactivating APU, and utilizing Taxibots. Optimization of the airport's landside connectivity points (charging points) within Paris CDG. Socio-economic benefits is time savings for ground operations.
WP4: Green runway renovation with the creation of a numerical model of taxiways structure and the definition of a sensor instrumentation plan to instrument the different layers of its structure (rehabilitated in summer 2023). BioDiversIT plays import role to create a common interest regarding biodiversity improvement within the airport community; allowing a preliminary alignment of stakeholders regarding fauna and flora protection.
WP5: Three types of energy considered are demonstrated. The lessons learnt will contribute to the upscaling of the solutions and to the replication in other EU airports and their neighbour territories.
WP6: New tools for the assessment of air quality in and around airports; new insights into emissions of VOC and formation and evolution secondary organic aerosols at airports; development of a software platform for the marketing and sale of used airport equipment.