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Accelerating cities' transition to net zero emissions by 2030


SI Experimenting services pool blueprints, customer journeys

The deliverable describes the functioning of the services for supporting cities in the design of the SI action plan/s to be combined with the CCC and includes mid-term report assessing experimentation activities of cities accessing SI services through the Platform.Update due M40.This deliverable is connected to Task 9.5

Report on City Needs, Drivers and Barriers Towards Climate Neutrality

An analytical report based on the qualitative Needs Assessment workshops with citiesThis deliverable is connected to T131

Report on systemic city transformation methodology and user journey

Holistic, replicable approach to city transformation built from integration of specific models for systemic innovation across different sectors and multiple levers of change, built in WP7-10. This deliverable will document inputs to WP4, call for pilots, and is connected to Task 6.1 Design comprehensive systems innovation methodology for city transformation.This deliverable is connected to Task 6.1 Design comprehensive systems innovation methodology for city transformation.Due dates: M18; M36.

Catalogue of pilot cities

An online catalogue profiling the pilot cities designed to encourage potential twin cities to apply and to facilitate successful matching of twins with pilot cities.This deliverable is connected to T5.2.2

SI methodologies for design, prototyping, testing, monitoring

The deliverable contains set of methodologies, tools, instruments, templates to co-design SI in context. The repository will be available through the platform. Update due M36, M48.This deliverable is connected to Task 9.2

"Training programme & ""embedded tutoring"" on innovative finance for city officials overview"

DEL will include core themes and topics assigned, with workshops, videos, lecture series, webinars, supporting documents and presentations created. This will allow city officials direct access to specially tailored and curated content that will support them to finance net-zero efforts within their cities.This deliverable is connected to Task 7.2

Sensemaking workshop reports

Report on 3 sensemaking workshops organised for City Pilots in M21, M30, M41.Additional intermediate sensemaking sessions, if so deemed required, shall be planned and executed in collaboration with respective City Guides, based on the progress of the Pilots and learning-related needs of Cities. Each sensemaking session will be followed by the delivery and circulation of a brief ‘Insights Report’ in the following month to harvest, summarise and codify the analysis, synthesis and learnings generated.This deliverable is connected to Task 4.4.Due dates M22, M31 and M42.

SI methodologies for SI scale up

The deliverable contains set of methodologies tools, instruments, templates to scale up SI depending on assessment of SI-readiness of the cities. The repository will be available through the platform. Update due M36, M48.This deliverable is connected to Task 9.3

Annual Report: Strategic Sub-Panel

An annual report summarising the key recommendations from Strategic Sub-Panel, which include key stakeholders identified in T14.1.Due dates: M12; M24; M36; M48.This deliverable is connected to Task 14.2

SI matchmaking service pool blueprints, customer journeys

The deliverable will describe the functioning and the users experience of the services for supporting SI information access. Update due M40.This deliverable is connected to Task 9.4

SI observatory for climate neutrality

The Deliverable contains SI case studies that will be available on the platform Update due M24 M40 This deliverable is connected to Task 91

Report on capacity & capabilities building approach for systemic transformation in pilot cities

Assessment of system innovation capacity and capabilities in pilot cities through cross-silo learning / organisational change management approach. This deliverable is connected to Task 6.4 Development and deployment of capacity & capabilities building approach for systemic transformation in cities.

Annual Report: CCC Signatories Sub-Panel

Due dates: M12; M24; M36; M48.An annual report summarising the key recommendations from the CCC signatories.This deliverable is connected to Task 14.2

Method for coherent implementation of work at local level

Report and recommendations on how the service can be made multipurpose – usable in a wide range of scenarios, on thematic or geographical issues, and on the full range of potential topics.This deliverable is connected to Task 8.4

City finance and investment policy recommendations

Due dates: M24; M48.Two biannual reports that summarise policy recommendations on how the climate finance landscape needs to change to provide cities with the means to become climate neutral by 2030.This deliverable is connected to Task 14.3.

Policy Recommendations

A short report to capture policy-related insights, areas for deeper analysis, and recommendations for improving the capital ecosystems and market conditions, from the experience of working closely with stakeholders throughout WP7.This deliverable is connected to Task 7.5

Pilot City Expertise support process

Document detailing the process for determining the expertise required within a lead pilot city and how it will be matched with the appropriate expertise within the consortium, or if not available, contracting expertise externally. This deliverable is connected to Task 3.3.3

Structured Twinning Learning Programme

Report detailing the Structured Twinning Learning Programme which the twin cities will follow. This deliverable is connected to T5.2.1

Requirements for a data & visual data interface systems incl. proceedings of workshops

This deliverable will document the assessment of existing reporting mechanisms, the collected requirements to shared KPI data infrastructure and respective KPI visual data interface - Sub-tasks T2.3.1, T2.3.2 & T2.3.4.

Report on content production

Summary of spotlight series, stories and interviews, and approaches to visual images.This deliverable is connected to Task 12.2

Mid-term infographics on city interaction

Infographic reporting on the interactions between the City Guides and cities across the project - through the CCC, Platform, Pilots and Twins.This deliverable is connected to T13.2

Report on consultation input to CCC Concept and Multi-level governance process

Aggregated input to CCC Concept and multilevel governance process and action plans This deliverable is connected to Task 141

Report on the Community of Practice

Report summarising feedback sessions, conference participation, and animation modes. A final report will be updated in M48.This deliverable is connected to Task 12.4 and 12.6

Proceedings of NetZeroCities conference n°2

Summary of second conference, celebration ceremony and networking activities.This deliverable is connected to Task 12.6

Climate-neutral City Contract Concept

A Climateneutral City Concept document will summarise the CCC methodological framework including the CCC concept guiding principles and the functional implementation process including the phasing requirements application process and selection criteria This information will also be integrated into the Platform andor project website This deliverable is connected to Task 12

Report on assessment methodologies for planning and monitoring GHG emission reductions through Urban Greening and Nature-based Solutions

This report will describe the current practice around assessing urban greening and implementation of NBS summarizing best practice indicators and KPIs with focus on how these contribute or advance toward NZC Mission outcomes of climate neutral cities will also be considered The indicators described in this document will become an integrative part of the comprehensive indicator framework This deliverable is connected to Task 223

Report describing Innovative Climate Finance Assessment and Knowledge Development

Interactive online user interface correlating users financing needs with available financing options while considering the value of broader cobenefits of projects This will allow officials to work through a logic flow that guides them to solutions specific to their situationThis deliverable is connected to Task 714

Design and specification for the Platform

Planning and design of the One Stop Shop Platform and online portal including wireframes and a summary of input from cities and clarifying the functional relationships with existing initiatives and their websites and materials This deliverable is connected to T31

CCC Resource Package for One Stop Shop Platform

A package of digital resources for cities who plan to engage in the CCC process which may include information and instructions about the process howto guide templates online forms contact lists and resources available on the Mission Platform This deliverable is connected to Task 123

Impact Report on Aggregate SICAP

Report on Social Innovation and Climate Action Planning support to cities that have successfully applied to the CCC process and started the multi-level governance process. This deliverable is connected to Task 1.5. Due date: M18, M36, M48

Mapping of national and regional city collaboration

Short report capturing the current landscape of national and regional cooperation between cities on climate actionThis deliverable is connected to T541

Identified climate impact indicators based on existing indicators review

This document will describe the NZC and Mission impact indicators and associated KPIs for GHG emissions reporting scope 2 and scope 3 indicators for climate neutral cities The indicators described in this document will become an integrative part of the comprehensive indicator framework This deliverable is connected to Task 222

Proceedings of NetZeroCities conference n°1

Summary of first conference workshops and feedback sessionsThis deliverable is connected to Task 126

Replication and Scale Up Report

Report on the Replication and Scale-Up Framework (M12), progress reports on progress of replication and scale up in cities (M24, M36) and final report (M48).This deliverable is connected to T5.1.

Capital Structure Option, Mechanisms for Combining Public and Private Funding

This will involve blended financing structure templates, specific to pilot or twin cities but highly replicable. Structures will combine public funding with private capital.This deliverable is connected to Task 7.4.1

City climate finance landscape, barriers and best practices in city climate finance

A short report detailing the current city climate finance landscape barriers and best practices in city climate finance The current funding landscape will be assessed across metrics related to funding scope procurement process implementation complexity and feasibility of crowding in further capitalThis deliverable is connected to Task 71

Terms of Reference for HLAB membership, recruitment process, and meeting minutes

This deliverable is connected to Task 112

SI Capacity building services pool blueprints and customer journeys

The deliverable describes SI learning programme (learning objectives, main contents, audiences) and formats. This deliverable is connected to Task 9.6

Thematic areas for services definition

Definition of the thematic areas in which services will be designed addressing sectors enabling fields and including related cobenefits synergies and impacts as wellThis deliverable is connected to Task 101

Indicators for capital / finance needs and replication potential

This document will provide a framework to help cities and NZC pursue necessary capital planning and finance work with indicators and KPIs suitable to replicability and scale requirements consistent with climate neutral city outcomesThis deliverable is connected to Task 225

Compatibility Framework and Operationalization

A report that outlines a compatibility framework for the CCC process illustrating how the CCC process can complement or be integrated into existing climate initiatives including documentation of the selection criteriaprocess This deliverable is connected to T11

One stop shop platform report

Report describing the functionality and process of how the Platform works and related content and plans for updates. This deliverable is connected to Task 3.3 One Stop Shop Platform Operation

Capacity Building Programme Plan

This deliverable details the capacity building programme for cities (events, topics, media, target audience(s), planning). This deliverable is connected to Task 3.2.3

Twins call and selection critiera

Twins call description, selection criteria, selection process and monitoring.This deliverable is connected to T5.2. CA co-leading with Energy Cities.

Evaluation Report for CCC

A report documenting the results of the testing of the evaluation methodology for the CCCThis deliverable is connected to Task 24

Updated Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (1)

Second revised plan defining communication and dissemination strategy and implementation and the overall exploitation strategy which links to WP3 Task 34 This deliverable is connected to Task 121 122 126

Annual Reports on Platform performance

Annual reports on the performance of the One Stop Shop Platform and online portal, summarising interactions with cities and the support provided by the City Guides. This deliverable is connected to Task 3.3 One Stop Shop Platform Operation. Due Dates: M18, M38, M48

Civic engagement mapping approach

Report including an initial approach to civic environment mapping and understanding practical difficulties.This deliverable is connected to Task 8.2

City Cluster Portraits

Short introductions of cities accepted into the CCC application process, and descriptions of the regional cluster (Member State, language or other cluster indicator) to be included on the Mission Platform. This deliverable is connected to Task 1.3.3

Service model for citizen and stakeholder participation (initial version)

A connected set of tools and methods, that can be easily replicated in the cities, coming from the extensive research and practical expertise within the team, including engagement services tested and tools implemented.This deliverable is connected to Task 8.4

Policy Framework Media Package

The Policy Framework media package the result of Task 1441 will be integrated into the Mission Platform as a searchable repository This deliverable is connected to Task 1441

Report on Indicators & assessment methods for social innovation action plans

This report will describe current practice with regard to social innovation plans outline a conceptual approach to setting indicators and KPIs for progress monitoring in the implementation of the social innovation action plansThis deliverable is connected to Task 224

Financing Methods for Co-benefits

A template financial model that considers the value of co-benefits with a supporting report detailing the process and methodology for capturing co-benefits and applying them to a financial model. Quantifying the co-benefits identified in test cases deployed within the pilots and twins during Task 7.4 (e.g. reduced health costs, higher job creation, increased property rates) and incorporating them into the financial structures; + supporting material to explain the methodology. Financial Model/R.This deliverable is connected to Task 7.4.2

Specifications for smart repository

This deliverable defines the structure for the access through the OneStopShop Platform to the solutions already defined in the form of three different levels of accessibilityThis deliverable is connected to Task 103

Project Preparation Framework

An instructive planning methodology that will guide users through project preparation ensuring they consider all relevant aspects Framework to coach city officials through the project preparation process ensuring that projects are developed in an effective and bankable way Technical Methodology This deliverable is connected to Task 73

Platform technical description and user guide

Report on the platform as per its first establishment, including technical description and a user guide explaining functionalities. This deliverable is connected to T3.2

Stakeholder Map

Map of critical policy stakeholders at EU Member State and regional levels including financial institutions national and regional ministries and other relevant actors

Citizen engagement model and template action plan

Tested service, including record of testing in the pilot sites. This deliverable is connected to Task 8.3Due date M18 and final version M46.

Report on support needs assessment for CCC

A summary briefing analysing the aggregate needs of cities in the CCC process.This deliverable is connected to Task 1.3.4. Due date: M24, M48

Training materials for City Guides

A compilation of the programme materials for the training and induction of the City Guides.This deliverable is connected to T13.2

Updated Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (2)

Third revised plan defining communication and dissemination strategy and implementation, and the overall exploitation strategy, which links to WP3 Task 3.4. This deliverable is connected to Task 12.1, 12.2, 12.6

European Climate Initiative Review and 2030 Climate Neutrality Gap Report

A report that summarises the findings from T111 European Climate Initiative Review which includes a mapping and compatibilitygap analysis of existing climate initiatives including HE Mission for Climateneutral cities and how they can be integrated into the CCC process This deliverable is connected to T111

Civic engagement map

Report including a selection of civic engagement mapping based on cities experience (engaged through our partner city networks and City Practitioners Panel once appointed).This deliverable is connected to Task 8.2

Mid-term Report on City Panel activities and recommendations

Midterm report capturing the key discussions outputs and recommendations of both City PanelsThis deliverable is connected to T133

Report summarizing support given to pilot and twin cities on the CCC

Assessment of cities’ climate action planning from systemic change perspective.This deliverable is connected to Task 6.2 Deployment of systemic innovation methodology in CCC process and in lead and twin cities, including support to City Guides.

Identified city needs for MEL, metrics, indicators

This deliverable will describe the needs cities will have for MEL metrics and indicators based on survey results and workshopThis deliverable is connected to Task 212

Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

Detailed plan defining communication and dissemination strategy and implementation and the overall exploitation strategy which links to WP3 Task 34 This deliverable is connected to Task 121 122 126

Report on pilot city systemic innovation needs in portfolio

Assessment of cities and their specific pilots' systemic obstacles preventing progress on current policy / investment pathways, and of next domains of climate action needed to close the gap towards climate neutrality.This deliverable is connected to Task 6.3 Support of systemic innovation within lead city portfolios.

Desktop research report on engagement

Summary report of desktop research including description of the most effective approaches and practical cases for engaging urban stakeholders in energy and climate policies and actionsThis deliverable is connected to Task 82 83 84

Comprehensive indicator framework

Concept and KPIs for an integrated set of indicators to enable assessment of city climate actions, including work related to CCC and pilots. Draft by M9, final due date M12.This deliverable is connected to Task 2.2.1

Readiness in city governments action learning programme

An action learning programme and materials (a document) and demonstration (the records and development output of a group who have passed through the test version of the programme) focused on participation which feeds into WP 6 for cities developing their capacity to commission, support and use the results of participation and engagement.This deliverable is connected to Task 8.1.Due date M18 and final M46

Report on Training Modules for City Guides

Four (4) training modules for City Guides will orient them to the CCC process so that they can provide cities one-on-one support with the process and direct them to appropriate services on the Mission Platform. This deliverable is connected to Task 1.2.4. Due date: M10 and M20

Catalogue of solutions and co-benefits

Deployment of a catalogue of solutions and cobenefits as per the impact associated organized in thematic areas defined with a prior analysis of initiatives eg EU projects existing databases and platforms concepts eg PED nZEB emobility heating island nexus approach and best practices This catalogue will consist of a set of solutions in the form of sheets ready to be later integrated in the platformThis deliverable is connected to Task 102

CCC Online Training Sessions for Cities Recording

At least 4 Training Workshops for CCC Cities on the contracting process, local stakeholder governance processes, social innovation and climate action planning and participatory target setting as well as how to leverage the support provided by NetZeroCities. This deliverable is connected to Task 1.2.3.

Design environment of solutions

Catalogue update including the requirements of the feasible design environment for each solution, including policy, governance and regulatory aspects, as well as funding and business models, stakeholder and citizen engagement, and social innovation, for successful deployment in cities.This deliverable is connected to Task 10.2

Text of open call and related communication

Text of open call and related communication on the call for Pilots screenshots and other proofs of communications A draft will be submitted for acceptance by the EC at month 11 before publication This deliverable is connected to Task 42

Project website and social media accounts

Public website and social media accounts used to communicate about the project and engage with the public on a daily basisThis deliverable is connected to Task 121

Visual kit for cities

Visual kit charts material guidelines on a website section for cities that can be used in their local communication actions explaining core features such as the systemic innovation approach to achieving net zero to benefit both internal city audiences and external stakeholders Update by M18 and according to needs and new material available This deliverable is connected to Task 123

Exploitation and Business plan/model for the future of the Platform and of the project results

An exploitation and business plan will be developed over the course of the project, which will set out the steps to ensure the future sustainability of the Platform and of the project results. A draft exploitation and business plan will be submitted by M30 and a final one by M40. This deliverable is connected to T3.4


Replication and UpScaling of Smart Cities in Academia and Practice: Concepts, Barriers and Enablers

Auteurs: Ralf-Martin Soe
Publié dans: DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2023, Page(s) 115-121, ISBN 979-8-4007-0837-4
Éditeur: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3598469.3598481

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