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Piloting EURAXESS talent hubs to support researchers’ careers

Project description

Working together to improve the life of researchers

The EURAXESS network supports researcher mobility and career development. A joint initiative of the European Commission and dozens of European countries, it has 42 national portals with country-specific information. There are also more than 600 EURAXESS centres with dedicated staff assisting researchers’ move and stay in Europe. The EU-funded EURAXESS Hubs project will improve the services of this pan-European network by mobilising a critical mass of both experienced and less experienced EURAXESS organisations. Three pilot EURAXESS hubs will be launched: one cross-border pilot hub will manage talent in academia and the public sector, another will promote and assist scientific start-up entrepreneurship, while the third hub will focus on researcher careers beyond academia.


"""EURAXESS Hubs"" will mobilise a critical mass of both experienced and less experienced EURAXESS Bridgehead Organisations, at tailored levels of involvement, to launch three pilot EURAXESS hubs and then share their experience with the network. EURAXESS hubs will be integrated digital platforms for thematic, cross-border, competence-based collaboration of EURAXESS Centres (ESCs) and other stakeholders, such as multiplier and enabler organisations outside of the EURAXESS network, in engaging and providing services to researchers, research organisations and other ESCs.
Pilot hubs will be implemented and validated in three thematic areas:
• Talent management in academia and the public sector
• Researcher careers beyond academia
• Scientific startup entrepreneurship
During the implementation, the hubs will actively engage with the targeted stakeholders; will roll out pilot services that are scaled to the operation of the hub and are based on already available tools and expertise; finally, as a result, will produce digital toolkits, each toolkit showcasing the respective hub’s area of operation and enabling the adoption of the hub based service model by further ESCs.
The hub activities and results will be widely disseminated, with the prospect of the established cross-border hubs remaining operational beyond the project lifetime. The produced digital toolkits will be meant for use by any EURAXESS Centre that is interested in implementing this novel service provision architecture, either by joining existing hubs or forming additional ones after the project’s end.



Net EU contribution
€ 57 718,75
1116 Budapest

See on map

Közép-Magyarország Budapest Budapest
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 64 468,75

Participants (34)