Descripción del proyecto
Formación en investigación biomédica
El Centro de Innovación e Investigación Biotecnológica (BRIC, por sus siglas en inglés) en la Universidad de Copenhague es un centro de excelencia. Al apoyar investigaciones biomédicas básicas e innovadoras en un entorno diverso y abierto, ofrece una formación en investigación excelente para jóvenes científicos y obtiene valor social de los descubrimientos de las investigaciones. El proyecto DISCOVER, financiado con fondos europeos, ofrecerá un programa de doctorado para veinticuatro investigadores internacionales excepcionales a fin de que realicen sus programas de doctorado en los laboratorios pioneros del BRIC. El proyecto tiene como objetivo permitir que los investigadores conecten la investigación básica con la clínica. Basándose en una colaboración entre el BRIC y organizaciones clínicas asociadas, DISCOVER facilitará la creación de un puente entre «banco y cama», mediante el descubrimiento de métodos y herramientas que estimulen la creatividad y la utilización de los resultados de las investigaciones, así como la aplicación de la sostenibilidad a la investigación biomédica.
DISCOVERing treatment from biomedical research (DISCOVER) is a doctoral programme, to be led by the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC) at the University of Copenhagen. BRIC is a Centre of Excellence, with a primary goal of performing cutting-edge basic biomedical research in an open and diverse environment fostering interdisciplinarity and collaboration. Further, BRIC aims to offer outstanding research training of young scientists and translate research findings into societal value. In DISCOVER, we will recruit 24 outstanding international fellows to perform their PhD-projects in our state of the art laboratories in collaboration with a number of clinical environments. Our VISION is to empower diverse research talent to become creative and responsible researchers, with an ability to translate their biomedical research into clinical value. The past decades have presented great breakthroughs in the fundamental knowledge required for understanding and diagnosing many diseases. However, the ability to move basic discoveries towards new treatments is lagging behind the pace of discovery. DISCOVER’s ambition is to inspire and enable fellows to a research career bridging basic and clinical research. This will be done as a joint venture between BRIC and a number of clinical partner organisations. Three programme CORNERSTONES are central to pursue the vision: • Build bridge across ‘bed and bench’ • Discover approaches and tools to stimulate creativity and translation of research • Explore and implement sustainability in biomedical research With DISCOVER we will address an unmet need for closer ties between basic research and the clinic, through education of translational researchers with abilities move basic biomedical research findings down the path towards treatment. To widen their career perspectives, fellows will reflect on own competences and career goals and individually choose translational skill training and career activities to reach their goals
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Coordinador
1165 Kobenhavn