CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
This report includes a review of recent academic research and grey literature on what works in EC interventions, to inform development of good practice within the project and ensure that specific practices across the consortium are working in the most efficient and beneficial way. It includes an evidence collection template to capture data from the Open Call for ECs tackling energy poverty; a typology of the types of intervention used in the consortium, including their aims and methods, as well as the resulting impacts for households and communities, and accommodate contributions from external advisors.
Handbook on financing energy poverty mitigation actionsHandbook on financing energy poverty mitigation actions, documenting CEES results.
Toolkit (first version)First version of the CEES toolkit with compilation of selected practices to test and evaluate.
Pilot implementation and evaluation reportReport on pilot implementation and evaluation by CEES partners.
Intervention evaluationReport on the evaluation of impacts of pilot project interventions.
Improved toolkitUpdate on the CEES toolkit based on results of pilot implementation, including all relevant elements (legal, regulatory and financial guidance and training recordings)
Legal Report on European Environment and Regulatory issuesThis report will give an overview of the European Legal Framework on Energy Poverty and its implementation at the national level for CEES pilot partners. It will specifically review implementation of the Clean Energy Package at the national level and provide relevant recommendations to national policy makers.
Evaluation FrameworkReport establishing the impact evaluation framework of the project and practices, including best practice selection criteria.
Policy Recommendations and report on high-level policy meetingsCompilation of Policy Recommendations and report on high-level policy meetings
Report of 2 workshops on innovative financing schemesReport of 2 workshops on innovative financing schemes done by CEES partners.
Toolkit market uptake reportReport on the market uptake of the CEES toolkit, within and outside the consortium partners.
Action Plans for toolkit implementationAction Plans for toolkit implementation by each CEES pilot partner.
Report on WorkshopsDocumentation of CEES Toolkit workshops
Report on existing sources of financingThis report documents the benchmark of existing financing schemes, including the result of interviews to pilot consortium partners (to understand the strengths and limits of each, including available funding in each EU country), to allow for partners to assess the funding schemes they rely on at national and European levels, as well as the public support mechanisms in place. It will also include the result of interviews with private organisations and donors involved in the funding of each action to understand their motivations and the limitations of their involvement. The report will include an overview of each financing scheme, analysing the strengths and weaknesses for all actions identified.
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