Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ExuNutriStress (Poplar root exudates response to multi-nutrients stress)
Reporting period: 2021-10-01 to 2023-09-30
Then, ExuNutriStress is an interdisciplinary (plant physiology, analytical chemistry, and bioinformatics) approach to the effects of nutritional deficiencies (N and Fe), individually and combined, on root exudates profiles of poplar trees. The poplar tree (Populus spp) was chosen for this project because it is a fast-growth tree that combines rapid maturation and wide geographic distribution with economic relevance for wood and biomass production and has seldom been studied in terms of nutrition. The main nutrient deficiencies chosen were N and Fe because N is a fundamental macronutrient that takes part in proteins, chlorophyll, nucleic acids, nucleotides, and nucleosides, and its availability is a major determinant of yield. At the same time, iron, among other processes, is involved in photosynthesis, mitochondrial respiration, N assimilation, and hormone biosynthesis, and other plants are already known to use exudates to improve iron availability in soils. Nitrogen and iron deficiencies were tested individually and in combination since plant responses to multiple nutrient stresses are usually not the sum of the plant responses to each stress.
As preliminary results, poplar roots accumulated specific flavonoids, salicylates, stilbenes, and coumarins under N, Fe, and N+Fe starvation as salicin, tremulacin, salicortin, and proanthocyanins. In the case of N deficiency, the Shikimate and phenylpropanoids pathway as well as the carbohydrates pathway were affected while for Fe deficiency, in addition to the pathways mentioned, fatty acids, amino acids, and alkaloids were also disturbed. These results were presented at the 15th Journées du Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique (poster-Perpignan- May 2023) and the Plant Biology European meeting (oral communication- Marseille-July 2023). Moreover, the project ExuNutriStress has its website ( and its evolution has been published periodically on the social media Instagram ( The project was presented at Researcher’s Night in Paris (September 2022) and a scientific publication is being prepared.