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Poplar root exudates response to multi-nutrients stress

Description du projet

Mieux comprendre l’exsudation racinaire des plantes en cas de stress nutritionnel

La disponibilité des nutriments est un facteur important pour la croissance des plantes. Dans l’environnement, les plantes sont plus souvent exposées à des carences multiples qu’à des carences en un seul nutriment. Les recherches actuelles se sont concentrées sur les réponses des plantes à des carences en un seul nutriment. Les études sur l’effet combiné de différentes carences en nutriments ont été limitées, en particulier pour les espèces d’arbres. Le projet ExuNutriStress, financé par l’UE, comblera ce manque de connaissances. Il établira le profil des exsudats racinaires de peuplier (un arbre à croissance rapide) dans le cadre de carences simples et combinées. En utilisant une approche interdisciplinaire impliquant la physiologie végétale, le profilage des métabolites et les outils chimio-informatiques, le projet fera la lumière sur l’exsudation des racines en cas de stress nutritionnel. Les résultats permettront de mieux comprendre les interactions racines-racines qui peuvent améliorer la nutrition des plantes.


In the face of global changes, agroecosystem productivity is essential both for CO2 fixation and feeding the increasing population. However, plant growth is frequently limited by nutrient availability and in the environment, plants are more often exposed to multiple than single nutrient deficiencies. Plant responses to single nutrient deficiencies have been widely studied while the combined effect of different nutrient deficiencies has been scarcely investigated, particularly for tree species. Root exudates comprise a complex mixture of organic compounds, directly involved in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in soils, it can be assumed that their quantity and quality are affected by combined nutrient deficiencies in a different way than under a single one. Thus, this proposal aims to profile Poplar (a fast-growing tree) root exudates under single and combined deficiencies, mainly focusing on: (1) N for macronutrient deficiency as the most often limiting nutrient and on Fe, Zn, and Mn as micronutrients because of their crucial role in photosynthesis, (2) experiments on mineral deficient calcareous soils close to agronomical situations and (3) testing the potential of Poplar root exudates to alleviate nutrient deficiencies in sensitive species such as fruit trees growing on calcareous soils. The applicant has a very strong background in soil chemistry and plant nutrition acquired during her MSc and Ph.D. which together with the experience and facilities of the host and the international supervisory team will lead to the successful completion of this project and the strengthening of the career development of the researcher. The interdisciplinary work involving plant physiology, metabolite profiling, and chemoinformatic tools will lead to (1) improve knowledge about root exudation under nutritional stress and (2) open a new perspective on root-root interactions that can improve plant nutrition.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 184 707,84
75794 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 184 707,84