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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Multimodal optical interrogation of neural activity and neuromodulation during sequence processing


Neuronale Aktivität und Neuromodulation bei der Wahrnehmung und beim Erlernen audiotaktiler Sequenzen

Einzelneuronen in der Großhirnrinde integrieren Informationen von verschiedenen Sinnen, um Objekte und Sequenzen von Ereignissen zu bestimmen. Gleichzeitig formen neuromodulatorische Moleküle die Aktivität dieser Neuronen und passen sie so an den Umgebungskontext an. Dieses Zusammenspiel erzeugt räumlich-zeitliche Muster neuronaler Aktivität, die den Code für die Wahrnehmung enthalten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EnlightenedLoom wird die Rolle funktioneller Neuronengruppen bei der Verarbeitung audiotaktiler Sequenzen untersuchen. Dazu wird das Forschungsteam einen neuartigen und integrativen Ansatz mit Blick auf die neuronale Funktion verfolgen und fortschrittliche optische sowie computergestützte Instrumente verknüpfen. Dabei werden die neuronale Aktivität und die Neuromodulation mit hoher Auflösung gemeinsam untersucht sowie deren Rolle anhand eines robusten theoretischen Rahmens interpretiert.


The world often presents us with sequences of multisensory stimuli unfolding over time, like a car appearing after we hear it approaching. In the cerebral cortex, individual neurons integrate information across senses and time in order to identify these objects. Meanwhile, neuromodulatory molecules shape neural computations, adapting them to context and experience. It is from this interplay that the spatio-temporal patterns of neural activity containing the code for how we perceive the world originate. However, these activity patterns have long been experimentally inaccessible, and they have never been investigated concurrently to neuromodulation. With this project, I will reveal the causal role of functionally-identified ensembles of neurons in the perception and learning of audio-tactile sequences. I will combine, for the first time, two-photon (2p) imaging and holographic-optogenetics with fluorescent neuromodulation sensors. My experiments will be performed in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) of the mouse, a multimodal area acting as sensory history buffer. I will focus on noradrenaline (NA), a modulator so far involved in sharpening processing of weak unisensory features. I will 1) test which PPC neurons are sufficient, when activated, to bias perception of multisensory sequences during a behavioural task; 2) simultaneously, I will test whether and how PPC levels of NA change when altering sequence discriminability. My experiments will be supported by a solid theoretical framework based on Information Theory. In conclusion, I will use a unique combination of advanced molecular, optical, and computational tools to pursue a novel, causal and integrative approach to cortical function: one where functional neuronal subgroups and neuromodulation are investigated together, at high-resolution, to explain the multi-layered biological basis of the fascinating interaction between our brains and the world.


€ 183 473,28
16163 Genova

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Nord-Ovest Liguria Genova
Research Organisations
€ 183 473,28